I jumped and produced fire from my hands, trying not to burn the ground underneath me amd I propelled myself to catch up with her. Flying behind her, she stops. "Lizzy, what's wrong?"

The sight of bloodthirsty demons that couldn't have their minds altered stopped her in tracks. There were so many of them. Suddenly, they locked sight on Elizabeth, and myself. I smirked. "How about you let me prove my strength to you? These weak demons have nothing on me, Lizzy," I said, feeling myself get cocky.

She placed her hand on my shoulder. "Its only a small platoon. If they attack us, I'm allowing you to show me your skills." I found myself hovering over the ground. Honestly, I wanted them to attack, but I couldn't provoke them whatsoever. Out of nowhere, their screeching became louder as they decided to attack us.

I moved in front of Elizabeth. "Stay behind me," I said, twirling my scythe around. She watched as I raced towards the loathsome demons. I stopped in front of them and smirked. Cheshire Heart had a sacred ability, it not only made me more durable but it also allowed me to sever the hearts of demons with much easier access if I turned it a certain way. (Pulling a Sangwoo, ifykyk)

"Well come on then!" I said, smirking and feeling my power overwhelm. "Time to shine." My firebird awoken and I grinned, tilting my head. I raced to them and swirled around, causing Firebird to activate.

I was actually having fun cutting down these slowly demons as the burning wings burned them out of existence. The fires got hotter and hotter but I was trying to keep away from the Fairy Kings Forest so it wont catch on fire.

I took out half then my fires extinguished. "I'm itching for a royal beatdown," I said, cracking my knuckles. Like my mother once, they sounded like cannons going off. The demons let out a beam then retreated. "Oh dont think I didnt see that. Come back, I wasnt done."

Elizabeth and I continued flying until we arrived at the forest. I looked around as the nearby wildlife studied me. The birds there were singing up a storm. "Aaaahh~," I sung and the birds mimicked me singing the same tune. A bird flew in front of me and stared at me with curiousity.

"Elizabeth, what's this?" I asked, gently rubbing its feathered head. She smiled a bit.

"You've never seen a bird?" She asked, smiling gently at the little red creature.

I shook my head. "The closest thing we had to these in the Reaper Realm was the Great Phoinex and sometimes dragons."

Entering the fairy kings forest, we arrived at a stunningly made structure. At the top steps stood a huge winged man with wings like Elizabeth alongside a pink haired woman with the same wings.

"Goddesses..." I said in awe.

Their eyes widened as I got closer.

"What power.." the woman said in awe. "Its not demon, Ludociel. Something far powerful than us. Maybe up to the Supreme Deity's abilities-" 

"Dont you dare think that for a second. This pest is nothing compared to us," Ludociel responded coldly, cutting her off.

Elizabeth sighed. "You should watch what you say, addressing my friend," she spoke up.

"What is that creature?"

I stepped up. "I'm something not of this realm. A Reaper. Is that a problem? I mean, since I'm a pest and all," I said, smirking. "I mean if you step down here from your pedestal, since your so high and mighty and come and test for yourself, Archangel."

Nerobasta, the pink haired goddess and Elizabeth looked utterly shocked. A deep and dark grin came to Ludociel's face. "I would put you in your place, Reaper, if we werent dealing with bigger matters. So know your place and step aside."

"How about you make me?"

Personally, I was fed up. Father already thought I couldnt handle myself and this lunatic and naive Archangel thought I would take such utter disrespect from him. I grinned as he stood silent. "That's what I thought."

In a second, he flashed in front of me, slightly standing over me and getting in my face. "I dont think you want this, little Reaper."

I growled and felt my bloodlust awakening a bit. Lizzy felt it too. "Enough," she said and immediately we both backed off.

"Ah, hi little Ace."

I turned around to see Meliodas walking with Drole and Gloxinina and holding his large sword. Smiling, I raced towards him and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

I tilted my head. "To help you and Elizabeth of course. She's going to be my new sensei for a bit," I peeked up at Gloxinia and Drole. "Hii, what are you?" I asked them both. I've never seen a fairy or a giant before. Drole, rested his palm on the ground so I could climb onto it and get a better view.

"This is Drole, the king of Giants and I am Gloxinia, king of the Fairies," Gloxinia introduced.

"Wow, your wings are so beautiful, may I touch them?" I asked, curiously, "and Drole you have a stunning eye." Stroking Gloxinina's wings, though he was very hesitant at first, Drole tilted his head.

"What are you? It's obvious your not a human or a demon nor goddess, since you lack wings."

I smiled. "I'm a Reaper. Princess Ace of the Reaper Realm," I said bowing.

They both eyed each other. "That's where that powerful  magic power came from huh?" I nodded as Drole put me down. Suddenly, we all felt a powerful sense of demonic power heading our way. Elizabeth looked at us all. "I'm going to go investigate.  If it's the demons, I'll talk to them and sort this out," Elizabeth said, flying up and stopping in front of Deriei and Monspeet's large army.

"A mass amount of both humans and my people have been missing. The energy led us here," Deriei said, crossing her arms. "And who might you be?"

"I am Elizabeth of the Goddess Race," she said. She continued talking but I couldn't make out what was said. I propelled myself up beside her. Meliodas, Drole and Gloxinina ran up to provide back up.

"What's that creature?" Monspeet asked, slowly approaching me. "She isnt human." He sniffed me and my face reddened. 

"I'm a Reaper," I said, gently pushing him back. Deriei locked eyes with me then back onto Elizabeth. "Maybe if we worked together, we should be able to find them," she said extending her hand.

Suddenly, a large explosion from the Fairy Kings Forest caught us all by surprise, except for Ludociel and Nerobasta. We were all shocked and in awe. "Sister!" Deriei screamed, as the people trapped inside the magical Goddess orb were eliminated. That orb contained both demons and humans. I watched as a heartbroken and angry Derieri reached out for her but she was gone. Their vast magical power ceased. Angry eyes of Deriei Monspeet and the other demons locked onto Elizabeth and myself.

"I had no idea of this," she said softly, still surprised from the explosion and murder of hundred of thousands of demons and humans. Deriei began the attack, Monspeet following her as they were accompanied by a few lesser demons since the others began their assault on the Fairy Kings Forest. The pair's form changed as they went Indura mode and attacked Elizabeth. I flashed in front of her and took out one of their hearts each.

"Lady Elizabeth," I said, "Stay behind me or deal with Ludociel and Nerobasta. Tell Meliodas and Gloxinia that I'll require their assistance. Take Drole with you."

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