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Yakima tugged at his chains slightly. They were being held onto him by magic, magic that Yakima couldn't fend off. The spell was weak on him and he felt mentally free. It was terrifying knowing Orion could do it at any given time...because she would know, wouldn't she?

Ladora suddenly walked in as Yakima pretended to have his head hung low. "C'mon demon boy, you're on night guard with me and Akira," she said, unlocking the chain with a beautiful red key. Yakima eyed it softly as the chain gave a slight click signaling their release.

He got up and followed her out the cell. Being here has given me time to think, but I don't even think my thoughts are safe. I've been watching myself trapped in my mind do things that I wouldn't do. Hmph, Xarsi and Orion have experimented and tortured me and manipulated me into the same thing I feared of becoming again, a guard dog, where I couldn't choose the master I served.

"Boy, I need you to create a copy of this key. Just in case Orion calls you down to her," Ladora said, breaking his thought. Subconsciously, Yakima extended his hand and created an exact replica of the object she held, but it was in his hand. Oh, this isn't new huh? I don't recall having this power before all of this. Maybe if I could just-

Yakima and Ladora met Akira upstairs on the highest post of the base. Akira was leaning against the tower wall, eyes shut. It didn't look as if he sensed their presence. Yakima took his chance with the opportunity he had: Akira not paying attention and Ladora with her back turned. Quickly, he created a copy of the red key used to free him, almost dropping it like a clumsy child.

"Ya know, Ladora. It was Yakima's fault our mission messed up. We should teach him a lesson since his mistake put us on night duty," Akira said, sitting up finally. Yakima slowly put the key away out of sight.

"Akira! Everyone made a mistake during that mission and that was letting you lead. You told Yakima to scout ahead, and if we were all together, we wouldn't have messed up! Yakima is your brother still and you need to-"

Akira's laugh sent chills down the spines of Ladora and Yakima. "Brother? That demon is not my brother! He's a meat shield, a replaceable bag of flesh and the one I'm going to kill once Orion finishes her plan with The Chosen One and Namiko. I hate that stupid little basta-"

Suddenly Ladora clamped his mouth and put her hand near his face her nails extending into claws. "You have no right to speak about your brother like that. Your family is still with you so be lucky you have one. I wouldn't speak ill on the one who is mightier than you. You're both dogs, except he bites while you bark, mutt. Don't EVER speak on your family like that, especially when he came all this way for you. To save his older brother," she said, staring deep into his eyes through her mask.

He shrugged her off. "Watch me bite then! Forget this plan of hers, I'm killing him now," he said reaching for Yakima.

But Ladora knocked him away, slightly pushing Yakima back. "Move back unless you want to get hurt," she said, softly. Her silky voice sounded familiar. Faintly familiar. He moved back, watching Akira's rage intensify. Ladora extended her claws on both hands and got into a stance. "You don't want to do this Akira," she said growling a bit.

Akira pushed his hair back and smirked. "Like hell I do!" He ran towards Ladora swiping and jabbing at her as she dodged effortlessly. She smirked deviously and jumped in the air in front of the moon, her silky silhouette blended in perfectly with the  moon and it was elegant. Ladora came down on him then teleported behind him, clawing his back.

Akira stumbled forward then grabbed Ladora, slamming her against the stone floor. "If you protect him, you both will perish," he whispered to her then glared at Yakima. Yakima had to keep his emotions under control to not alert the pair of his disconnection. Akira lunged for Yakima, but inches away from his face, Ladora grabbed Akira's ankle and sent him crashing into the tower.

Ace: Seven Deadly Sins Fanfic Vol. 1-3Where stories live. Discover now