Welcome To the Military

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~~Levi's Point Of View~~

(Y/n)'s head hit the floor too hard and she stopped moving.

"No!" I shouted. That fucking idiot. I basically told her to stop talking. I guess she has more to loose than any of us. She's gunna get herself killed.

A shadow passes over my eyes as Mike picks up a bleeding (y/n) like a rag doll and tosses her over her shoulder.

"(Y/n) will be taken to the Cadets as soon as she wakes up and is given a uniform."

I cursed. He's fucking separating us? I realize we've just met (y/n) but... "Look, (y/n) has a dying father at home. You can't take her." I growled at Erwin.

He paused for a moment and started to think. He paced in front of us arrogantly. "If I retrieve her father and send him to a hospital to be treated, will she fight for humanity?" He asked me. She probably still wouldn't but for her fathers sake, i'll tell a lie.

"Most likely."

"Then it's settled."

~~Readers Point Of View~~

My eyes cracked open and I immediately felt the splitting pain emanating from my hair line. Groaning, I took in my surroundings slowly. I was laying down in a carriage. Outside was mostly a blur of trees as we bumped along a dirt road. A soldier from the Garrison regiment blocked each door.

I sat up and stared out the window in despair. I left my father to die.

One of the soldiers handed me a note.

'Your father has been sent to a hospital in Wall Sina to be treated. Hopefully now, you will fight with us and not for us. Welcome to the Military, Cadet (L/n).
-Commander Erwin Smith'

I crushed the note in my fist, frustrated that Commander Bush-Tastic had leverage against me. But relief spread through my chest. Real treatment? I couldn't argue with those results. If it meant keeping my father alive, I would do anything. Even join the military.

Just then I noticed the sky. It was bright and baby blue. I smiled at it.


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