As A Soldier

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After half a days ride to the Survey Corps old headquarters, my nerves were jumbled up. Just thinking of seeing Levi and being able to talk to him, really talk to him, made me want to run and/ or vomit.

I dismount my horse with a sigh and rub my sore thigh with one hand and shielding my eyes from the sun with the other. It looks like a huge castle. A huge dusty castle.

Somehow I know Levi would be on our cases about that last fact.

Where was Levi anyway?

"We'll have to fix that." I hear Levi's slightly annoyed voice in front of me and whip my head in his direction. He's interrupting a pair of soldiers complaining about the cob webs.

I stand there trying to decide whether to approach him or wait for him to see me.

Wait... What am I? Two? Fuck this.

I take a deep breath and walk up behind him, tapping his shoulder. He sighs and turns around slowly.

"Wha--" He freezes and looks surprised to see me. I instantly regret not letting him approach me. At least I would've had time to get my thoughts together.

"(Y/n)." He stands stiffly and awkwardly shifts his weight.

~~ Levi's Point Of View ~~


Was that all I could say? Why can't I remember what I fuckin' practiced to say? Why is she not saying anything?

"Levi." She nods looking completely bored, reminding me to stop being a bitch.


She suddenly wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me. I almost choke in surprise.

What does this mean?

I slowly pat her back, looking around and she breaks the awkward hug. "Can we talk?" She looks angry but not? What the hell.

"We have to clean." I say in reflex and cringe inside. That was too emotionless.

Wait... Why should I care? Why am I acting like shes a delicate flower?

She just nods and walks off with the other recruits, leaving me alone with gawking soldiers.

~~ Readers Point Of View ~~

Welp. That went horribly. At least I know he's his old self again. I smile to myself as I catch up to Armin and Mikasa.

The group of cadets are surrounding my favorite son of a bitch: Eren.

"Hey, Eren." I smile and punch his arm softly. His wide grin falls as he rubs his arm.

"Owww, (Y/n)! What was that for?"

I laugh and sling my arm over his shoulder. "Not my fault you're a soft skinned bitch." The group laughs as we continue to walk.

"So only Annie and Marco joined the Military Police, huh?" Eren smiles. We all freeze and stare at him. Jean glares harshly.

"Marco's dead." He says bluntly, eyes cold as iced whiskey. I slowly remove my arm from Eren's shoulders and purse my lips, nudging the ground with my boot.

I never know how to comfort someone. I never knew anybody that needed comforting before coming above ground. I couldn't find any words to say.

"What?" Eren whispers, taking a step back. "Did you just say Marco's dead?"

"Seems not everyone can have a dramatic death." Jean has a broken but strong look in his eyes, making me have to look away in shame, knowing that I didn't even know until a few days ago. "No one knows how he died...he died where no one saw him. Where no one noticed."

I bite my lip avoiding Jean's eyes. I knew they were close but I didn't know how bad he was hurt by this.

"Marco is..." Eren looks shell shocked at the floor while the rest of us grieve in silence.

"Recruits! Gather 'round!" Our squad leader yells. "Your uniforms are here!"

We all stand together as we are each receive a neatly folded cloak with the Wings of Freedom on its back. I close my eyes and whip it on, seeing Isabel, Farlan, my Father, Mina, Thomas, and finally Marco, behind them.

I know once I click this on, there's no going back. I might get eaten. I might see the people around me get eaten.

But I also know this will be a test of strength. And I know damn well I ain't gunna fail.

I open my eyes and salute not as a delinquent, not as a trainee, and not as a recruit. But as a soldier.

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