Seventeen Days

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An: Sorry for a short filler chapter last time.

The fun starts now.

I ride as fast as possible, peeling away from the base. No way in hell am I thinking about what just happened. I have enough to deal with in the Levi department.

The rain is refreshing. It wasn't like the dirty water that seeped through the dirt above me back then, It's clean and cold. It helps me push my thoughts into a corner of my mind. I have to put my game face on...cause it's time to fight.

It would take at least three days to get to Wall Sina but two if I didn't stop. Not one for animal cruelty, I'd rather take the time to rest.

"Yah!" I kick my horse, needing to go as far as I possibly can until nightfall. The feel of her muscles underneath me is relaxing. I've only ridden (h/n) once before, when we received training. Now she's all I got.

~~Time skip to night time~~

It was too dark to see a foot in front of me when I pull on her reigns. I managed to find a clearing so we can rest.

(H/n) drank the rest of my water and I let her. She's the one getting me to Sina. I really can't have her dehydrated. I fed her most of the food I brought too. It's easy to get food in the Underground if you've done it your whole life.

"Sorry I rode you so hard." I whisper to her as I pet her nose, trying to calm myself more than her. All I could think about was the shitty place I would have to endure for the next nineteen days. How did I do it all my life? Who knows. Maybe because I had no other choice.

I sleep on the prickly grass, not bothering with a fire. I don't want anyone to know where I am. Just in case.


Eren's eyes bore into my soul as I sit up from my resting place, slowly standing.

"Eren why did you follow me!"


"What?!" I yell, frustrated about him confusing me with his kiss earlier.


"Leave me alone!" I close my eyes and cover my ears. Shut up! SHUT UP!

"Come back, okay?"

I open my eyes in a panic and I'm in Levi's bed. He's leaning on his elbow beside me, staring down at me as if he was watching me sleep.


"Not this bull shit again." I roll out of his bed and stand, completely naked in front of him. I don't bother covering, though I'm blushing like mad.

"No bull shit." He's suddenly breathing in my ear. "Just you."

"What?" I back up till my thighs touch the bed.

Suddenly Eren leans on the door next to Levi, both naked. A nice sight, no lie.

"Come back, okay?" The words seem to snake out of their mouths and choke me in a black ink like fog.

I scream and scream but I'm alone in the dark.

"AAAH!" I shriek, jumping out of that creepy ass dream. "What the fuck?" I groan.

The sun's out already? How much time have I lost? I struggle into a semi-standing position and shrug on my, now light, pack. I throw my self onto (H/n) and we're off again.

I hook my legs tighter around her and lean forward to keep my balance as I try to get my hair out off my face. I need all the clarity I can get. Especially as I begin to approach Sina.

~~Time skip to reaching Sina~~

Seventeen days now. Feeling a little weak from the lack of food and water, but nothing I haven't had to deal with before.

We finally are in the shadow of Wall Sina. Home sweet home. Well...not really...since my home was starving, buried under dirt in our own form of a tomb. Great place to get stronger is it's only good attribute.

I flash the letter at the guards on the wall who can recognize the seal of the Survey Corps from fifty meters away. The walls gate slowly rises, just enough that I have to duck to get in, before it slams back down, trapping me.

We trot across the city, taking alleys, trying not to capture the attention of the citizens. Pretty hard to do in dirty clothes and horse.

Finally arriving at the entrance to the Underground, I flash the letter at the Military Corps officers and explain that I'm undercover. They let me in. Not like they care who gets in anyway.

I have part with (H/n), though. She can't go down all those steps and I really don't want her to get stolen and eaten. It's what I would do if I was who I was back then. I wouldn't blame them, honestly. Definitely won't take her in.

"Goodbye, girl." I pet her and take deep breaths as I turn over her reigns to the soldiers and turn towards my doom.

I descend the steps.

~~Time skip to walking down the stairs~~

Immediately my eyes are sharp and I'm on edge. Though I blend in with the dirty, on the verge of death, people down here, people are always watching. Especially if you'd just came down the steps.

I run and make myself invisible. I jump around people, run down alleyways, creep in the dark, climb on rooftops and jump from house to house. Breathing hard from crossing the entire Underground, I drop off a roof in front of my door.

I place my forehead on the familiar wood and for the first time since I've been forced onto this mission, think about my father. The only reason I joined was for him to get better medicine. But no matter what I could've done...he died. I try to accept that, but it hurts knowing you're alone.

I take one last labored breath and rip open the door, startled by what I find.



An: One of the longest chapters I've written. Enjoy *insert thumbs up*

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