Sixteen Days Pt.2

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~~Levi's Point Of View~~

"What the hell was that, Levi!" Hanje shoves me into her study and slams the door behind her.

"I don't-- I don't fucking know, okay!" I plop down in a chair, showing as much attitude as I can.

Hanje grabs a towel and dunks it in water and gives it to me, but I wave her off. "Stop it. I've punched people before."

"Obviously! What the hell's got you so worked up that you randomly punch a kid in the face!" She drops the cloth back into the water and aggressively pulls up a chair.

"Nothing! Stop fucking hovering! I'm not a Titan that you can observe, fuck!" I didn't know why I just exploded like that. I don't fucking know! Why can't I control my anger right now?

"Oh's a girl isn't it?"

"What? No! What the fuck." Why did an unnecessary image of (Y/n) kissing my chest pop into my head?

"Every time you're emotionally unstable these past couple weeks, its been about a girl hasn't it? Lemmi guess?" She gasps and looks at me like she found a new discovery. "It's (Y/n), isn't it!"

"Stop trying to guess, idiot." I sigh, immediately denying it.

"So it's Petra?"

"Where the fuck did you get that from?"

"Those are the only two girls who are always around you and always talk to you! Who else could it be?" She gasps and makes that face again. "Oh shit is it me?" She fake plays with her hair just to annoy me.

"Oh m-- fuck off you shitty retard." I get up to leave when she laughs pushing me back into my seat.

"Relax, relax. So grumpy." She smiles and I sigh rolling my eyes, but strangely calm again. "So it is (Y/n) then."

I sigh and look away, still not ready to admit that. "It's alright, Levi. Geez."

"It's not. It's so complicated right now like... I miss when seeing her around wasn't weird." I shake my head and whisper, "I mean we fucked for fucks sake."

"You what?!"

I roll my eyes, knowing that I would get so much shit for this. She just makes this weird squealing noise and punches me hard over and over on my arms and chest.

"Ow, fuck. St--" She hits me mid sentence. "Stop hitting me when you're excited! You're so annoying." I look away to hide the small smile trying to form.

"You're a fuckin mess, Levi. Go take a nap or something." She shakes her head laughing.

"Whatever." I hold my smile back with some difficulty, but she sees it anyway. I close the door behind me and walk off.

Crazy bastard.

~~Readers Point Of View~~

"So let me get this shit straight. You have the same mission that I do and you have the same time limit? And we're conveniently here at the same fucking time?" I list all the details on my fingers just to try to make a bit of sense of this shit situation.

"Correct." He answers, his hand holding his chin with his classic I'm-thinking-leave-me-the-fuck-alone attitude.

"Fuck." Is all I can manage for now. I turn my back on him and run my hand through my messy, wind blown, hair, when I remember the bigger point. I whip back around. "Who gave you this mission? And why the hell are you doing it?!"

He sighs and sits on the couch again, his head in his hands. "Some guys in Survey Corps uniform came into the hospital one day while I was close to being released. They told me that if I do this mission for them... I could..."

"I could what?" I glare not liking his hesitation.

His eyes are pained as he stares into mine. He seems to be truly struggling to choke out the rest of that sentence. I don't like where this is going.

"I could what!"

"That I could see my daughter again." He looks away, but something doesn't add up.

"What? That doesn't make sense! You just said that they told you I was dead." I put my hands on my hips. "What are you on right now?"

He waves his hand in frustration like I'm not the one understanding him. "No. Not you. I wasn't...talking about you."

"Then who the fuck were you talking about?" He's really pissin me off right now.

"My other daughter. Her name is Alyssa. When your mom left us here to rot, she did one good thing. And that was to take your little sister out of here."


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