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~~Levi's Point of View~~

I leave quietly, really questioning why I ever thought to remotely respect Erwin. I know this mission is important and that no one else can do it, but asking her to this? When she's never done this kind of thing before?


I would volunteer for this mission, but the other troops need me here. Plus with all this secret expedition plan, I definitely can't leave.

So they use her, a dependable, yet expendable, lowly soldier to do the dirty work. Classic.

I walked away that room slowly, not wanting to think about that hell whole ever again. It just pisses me off that she had to relive it.

~~Readers Point Of View~~

I sigh and fold my Survey Corps hood and put it in a stack of the rest of my, now unneeded, belongings. My straps, my uniform, my boots.

For some odd reason I could only think about Annie and all the good times we ha--

Why am I acting like I'm going to die? I have a mission. An objective. Maybe if I can focus on that, no matter how much I hate what I have to do, I can survive this.

Twenty days. Just Twenty days.


I pack some food from the cafeteria in a backpack, along with a certification letter from All Powerful Eyebrows, and some extra socks, and extra underwear.

I run out, the rain falling heavy against our base. My army boots slap against the wet Earth as my back gets soaked immediately.

I'm ready. I can do this.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) wait!" I hear their desperate voices and sprinting footsteps coming closer and closer. I can't look them in the eye anymore.

"(Y/n), please!" Armin's voice pleads as I run to my horse.

"Please wait!" Mikasa yells as my hood, my normal, non military hood, goes over my eyes.

"(Y/n)!" Eren screams so viciously that I force myself to stop. He catches up and grabs my arms as if I would disappear.

"Eren please let me go." I beg, gripping the reigns for dear life, trying to get on. The sky thunders as hard as my heart.

"No. Stay. Please!" His desperation is killing me.

"(Y/n), why are you leaving?" Armin asks, trying for eye contact but not receiving it.

I bite my lip and try for my classic I'm-stonger-than-my-emotions front. "The expedition is in twenty days, right?" They nod, confused. "Trust I'll be back by then."

I go to mount my horse but Eren stops me. "Eren sto--"

His lips press against mine. The rain drops' taste still linger on them as he pulls away and whispers for only me to hear.

"Come back, okay?"


An: Short chapter. My bad.

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