Is This What Fun Is?

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They flew like birds through the sky as I watched them. It must of felt amazing because even Levi couldn't battle back a smile. I laughed when Isabel did a flip using the grapples of her stolen 3D gear, then laughed harder when she narrowly missed a building.

After all their--very impressive--showing off, they landed gracefully and walked towards me. I stared in awe as I finally got to see the 3DMG gear up close. Isabel laughed at me as I scurried around the three of them and touched and fidgeted with the new toys.

"So you think you can do it?" Levi asks me with his arms crossed. I chuckle darkly.

"Well of course. I could do it easier and better than you can in one day." I brag.

"Oooooo! Is this a challenge I see? Wanna bet Farlan?" Isabel claps her hands excitedly. They could bet all they wanted, I was still gunna win. No way in hell was I going to let Midget here beat me.

"My money's on Big Bro! He can't be beat. Especially in one day? Not a chance." Isabel said and I nodded. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but I was gunna make it happen.

"My money's on (y/n). The way she took you down with so much ease...Shes gunna beat Levi." Farlan smiled at me with encouragement. I had to smile back.

"Tch. This is stupid. We don't even keep money individually. If you're betting against each other, you're taking money from the group and giving it back. You bunch of idiots." He glared at Isabel and hit her head with a karate chop, just enough to hurt.

"Ow! Haha I didn't think of that." Isabel giggled while clutching her forehead.

"But..." Levi dragged the word.

"But..." The entire group said.

"But if you come up with some quick money by the end of the day, and have time to help me train (y/n)...I will consider it."

Isabel hugged (tackled) Levi and took off running.

"Hey thats cheating!" Farlan shouted sprinting after her.

"Don't be reckless you idiot brats!" Levi shouted after them with a slight smile on his face.

He turned to me. "Alright then, lets teach you how to 3DMG."

"Let the challenge begin."

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