Ten Hours

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~~ Readers Point of View + Time skip to five hours in ~~

"AAAAAAAAAGRH! AAAAAAAH! HAAA! HA!" I screamed and panted, shaking like a leaf, unable to speak anymore. My body felt like it was melting. I can't feel my wrists or my ankles. At least they can't burn me there. 

I've been cut up, burned by fire or cigarettes, spit on, and even beat. At least no one raped me. 

I smelt like them now. The cig stench was overwhelming, and when I wasn't screaming I was coughing. Maybe even laughing when they were checking if I was dead yet. I wasn't going to die. Not here. Not naked and chained to a wall. Not after all I've been through. Not after meeting all my dork friends in the Cadets. Not after Isabel and Farlan died. Not after seeing Alyssa again. Not after Levi.

Stay strong. Stay strong.

"She's totally passed out!" A voice shouts in the darkness. 

"Check if she's dead. I wanted to spend more time with her!" One yells.

I can't see anything in the darkness. Unless they're standing around their tools on the table or torturing me, I can't see. My vision was blurry from the pain anyway.

"Unfgh!" I grunt as my torturer punched me deep in my gut with my favorite tool they call Bloody Knuckles, shocking me fully wake. I vomit all over my assailant, causing a huge laugh through the room.

I cough out the remaining fluid on the floor.

"Groooss, dude."

"How many times have we told you to stop punching stomachs with Bloody Knuckles! You always get too excited, Drew."

"Do you have a stomach fettish or something? Fuck!" 

"Get that fuckin' girl in here to clean it up. You're done for today Drew." Tall with a side of Ugly says somewhere in the dark.

"Still alive gentleman." I laugh hard. "Gunna take a lot more then five hours to kill me."

"Fuck you bitch!" Drew yells, proceeding scratch several X's on my stomach with his curved knife that I love so much.

"Aww! Thanks babe. Come again!" I wave slightly with my numb, shackled hand. I let my head drop again. I wish I could just pass out already. I haven't been able to yet. The longer I stay under the less time this will take. Maybe if I pass out for a solid hour I can mak--

The door burst open. Drew is probably leaving. But then I hear a voice of a girl.

"Don't push me! I know what my fucking job is!" She yells. She sounds young. At the very most ten years old. She walks into the light. "Just had to vomit, did you?"

"Sorry for being practically tortured to death." I smile down at her. We've become best friends over the past five hours. Every time she'd come in and clean up my blood or wipe spit off me, we'd always laugh together. 

We both make eye contact and burst out laughing. I have no idea why she was here or why she is staying just to clean up torture victims body fluids, I didn't have the time nor did I care to ask. We are both here for a reason. That's all that matters.

She splashes my red body with clean water and gives me a quick towel dry before mopping up my puddle of disgusting. She nods at me as if I was a solider in battle about to fight in a huge war and I nodded back. Once five hours hit it got worse.

She closes the door behind her just as Dog Shit gets up and walks towards me. I cringe inside.

"Flip her around boys. Five hours have hit."

The rats howl wand whoop with delight as they flip my limp body around so my cheek was pressed into the brick wall and I couldn't see anyone. They place a blindfold over my eyes that wrap around my ears so that I can't hear either.

I know what this means. They want my nerves to feel heightened so that I could feel more pain and go insane easier. That's okay. I'll just need to pretend I'm broken like they want me at the end of the next five hours so I can get in. Hopefully as close to the real boss as possible.

~~ Time Skip to Ten Hours in ~~

I could hear nothing, see nothing. It was true, it did hurt more. Not enough to break me though.

"STOP! STOP! PLEASE STOP! I'M BEGGING YOU!" I scream and sob very convincingly as they finish off cutting and whipping my back to pieces. There was a knife in my hand. Not in my fist, but stabbed into my left hand. 

"That's enough boys. Ten hours have hit. Now you guys can do what ever you want with her until the little girl comes back to drop her off at home." Their boss ordered, making about a third of the pack laugh and rub their hands together. The other two thirds left along with their boss, shaking their heads. 

Down to six men. Great. Fantastic. 

They grope me as they lay me down on the floor. I can't move an inch of my body anymore, which is probably the point.  I look up seeing Jones standing over me. This guy doesn't know when to quit.

"Just relax, we'll make you feel good."

"No you won't!" The girl ran in standing between me and the men  with her arms out. "You know the rules. We leave the raping to the rapists. I know this might not make sense to you because you are a rapist, but we don't do that in this gang. You don't go that far."

"Fuck off, Reilly." Jones sneers walking out the door with his separate pack of dogs.

She smiles and turns around dragging my body outside. She plops me into a wheelbarrow and throws a brown sack over my body.

"T-thank. You." I say, floating in and out of consciousness.

"Don't worry about it. You're strong. I like strong." She winks at me. "Where to?"

"Just take me to M-Melvin."

An: Hope you enjoyed this long chapters filled with horrors. Hope you guys don't hate me too much lol. Sorry for not updating in like a month. :D Thanks for reading and please continue!

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