Yes Sir

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I stand there with my hands behind my back, glaring at Commander Mutha Fuckin Erwin Smith and his stupid eyebrows.

The cold night breeze blows my hair in my face but I don't bother to move it. The torches on either side of the stage barely provide warmth and soon people were shivering.

Browanova stops in the middle of the stage and scans the crowd of cold soldiers standing at attention, waiting for him to speak. He takes his time looking at every face before scanning the top eleven at the very front.

I clench my fists behind me in impatience and sadness. Marco isn't up here. He was supposed to be up here.

I stand between Mikasa and Armin, waiting for him to begin.

An: I didn't want to kick anybody out of the Top Ten because it all effects them in some way so I just added an extra spot. Hope you guys don't mind. :3

"My name is Erwin Smith, thirteenth commander of the Survey Corps." He begins after he finds my scowling face in the mass of people. "During the last attack, you saw the terror of the Titans and the limitations of your own abilities.

"However, during this battle more than ever before, we made progress towards victory... Thanks to the existence of Eren Jaeger."

People exchange looks.

"His all out effort proves, without a doubt, that he is not our enemy." He continues. "Furthermore with his help, we not only stopped the Titan Invasion, we gained a means to understand the true nature of the Titans!" He shouts scanning the crowd.

The cadets gasp and look from Erwin to each other in confusion. I take the time to connect eyes with Armin, knowing we're thinking the same thing.

Why are they making this information public? What will this even accomplish?

"Located in the basement of his home in the Shiganshina District, we believe lies the secret of the Titans that even he was unaware of. If we can reach that basement..." He looks into the crowd, determined. "We may gain a clue to break free from a century of Titan domination!"

I blink several times. His basement? Even if this were true, why would they say this out loud? Wouldn't this be kept between the most trusted officials? Is this his way to encourage us to join? This's pretty reckless.

Erwin nods at a small girl with short reddish-brown hair and a big man with blonde hair and a mustache. They walk behind Erwin and unroll a map, showing us where the next expedition will be. He explains how the route the Survey corps built has become useless and how they have to take back Wall Maria to get to Eren's home town.

Armin and I raise an eyebrow at each other.

"Sixty Percent of the Survey Corps died." Ok now I'm confused. He's giving all this information to get soldiers but now he's scaring us? "Sixty percent in four years. An insane casualty rate."

Yeah, no shit.

"This new batch of recruits will be participating in the next expedition one month from now. Chances are thirty percent of you will die." He says without remorse. The crowd fidgets.

"Four years from now, the majority of you will be dead." I'm tempted to clap loudly at this amazing performance. He really knows how to motivate. Where's Eren when you need him?

"But those who overcome that will become superior soldiers with a high survival rate." He acts as if that's what we all want.

"You now know the dismal of state affairs. Those of you who are willing to put your life on the line, remain here.

"Ask yourselves: 'Am I willing to give my heart for mankind?'" He shouts encouragingly as if it would erase the fear. "If you plan to join another branch you are dismissed." The silence is as tense as a hunters bow.

Then a handful at a time people began to turn and walk away. Their faces were a blur as more and more people marched back to the barracks. I see Annie turn and she stops to look at me, pain in her eyes and continues walking. Knowing that I might never see her again tugs at my heart.

But I turn around and ignore the feeling of regret and the nervous churning in my stomach. I already made my decision. I would join the survey corps and that was that.

Soon it was so silent, I thought time stopped.

Erwin scans the handful of soldiers he hasnleft and smiled. "If someone told you to die, would you?"

"We don't wanna die!" Someone shouts out. Damn right we don't.

"I see." Erwin looks amused. "You did well reigning your fears. You are now officially members of the Survey Corps!"

He pauses and stares me deep in the eye. "This is a real salute! Give your hearts!"

"Yes sir!" We shout back. But I remain silent, staring back into his eyes with my fist on my heart and a deadly look on my face.

I joined the Survey Corps. Lucky me.

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