Leave Me Alone

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(A/N) Can it even rain underground? Does that happen? Lets just roll with it xD.

I closed the door to my house and took a deep breath. The smell of rain still clung in the air from an entire night of down pour. My bruised face was going to make it difficult to do my job today, even though it was almost gone. Not taking any chances, I have decided to pick-pocket the natural way. I pulled my black hood over my piercing (e/c) eyes and jogged into the busy streets.

I saw a woman with a silver and gold hair clip holding her hair in a bun. The clip was probably a family air loom, not that I cared. I scanned my surroundings for danger, and scanned hers for anything to help. A sexy guy was working at the stall she was at. She was shamelessly flirting with him.

I approached and slip my cape off, folding it over my arm. The man held eye contact with me and I put my index finger against my lips and winked. I discretely tossed him several coins from behind the woman, he finally seemed to understand what I intended to do. He suddenly found it very necessary to strike heavy conversation with the girl in front of him. I smiled. I need to do business with him more.

I slowly slid the air loom out of her hair, marveling at how she didn't feel it. Maybe her hair was just too thick. I retrieved the clip and slipped into the crowd. I watched as her hair fell from her bun and she frantically patted her head for the air loom. I chuckled darkly.


~~Levi's Point Of View~~

There she goes again, effortlessly stealing valuable things that I had my eyes on. That quick demon.

Shes gunna be headed home soon after she trades the hair piece for money. Isabel and Farlan are waiting in front of her house, I should get there to to watch this go down. Farlan said he wasn't going to hold back.

Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

~~Readers Point Of View~~

I jump off the roof across from my house and land in front of my door. I slowly remove my hood revealing my (h/l) (h/c) hair and my (e/c) eyes. I hear a step from behind me and slowly bring my knife down my sleeve and into my palm.

"Whoa, whoa, there missy. Put the knife away. We just wanna talk." Said the same deep voice of the raven haired, steel grey eyed, man from earlier. I knew I would have to talk my way outta this one. No way in hell was I getting myself killed before my father got better.

I turn around and put on my best expressionless I-don't-give-two-shits face. Well, I just mirrored Midget's expression, basically. "What do you guys want." I ask as Isabel and Farlan lurk out from the shadows.

"How old are you?" Farlan asked me.

"What is this, an interrogation? You're the ones randomly attacking me and following me and you want my information? Got a better strategy? You're wasting my time." I scoff as I twirl my sharp knife off my wrist and catch in my palm gracefully. I square up, sick and tired of logic.

Midget smirked evilly. "By the look of your pale skin and your lack of energy and patience, I would say...two days since you've eaten? Whatcha think Farlan?"

"More like three. She didn't hear us until we wanted to be heard."

"Yeah, three." Isabel concurred.

"Um, hello? This isn't a fuckin' audition! Don't study me you bastards!" I fumed.

Midget chuckled darkly. "Well it kinda is." I took a step back, not liking where this was goin'. "Let me cut to the chase." He looked me up and down as if he was confirming his decision. "Would you join us?"

My eyes widened. Join them? What the fuck? They attack me and follow me to my house? Haha, no. Why would I join these creepy ass adults anyway?

"Thanks, but no thanks. First of all I can't. I've got my own bullshit to take care of. Second, i'm not into getting killed for no reason. Third, i'm just thirteen. Both your creepy methods and midget leader don't appeal to me--"

" 'Midget...leader?' " Midget growled as a shadow passed over his eyes. I laughed a little which probably signed my death papers.

"Calm down, Levi." Farlan chuckled. Levi turned scary calm.

"You need money. We need you. You get money easier. Save up for whatever you're saving up for quicker." Levi said in angered fragments. How did he--

"How did I know? You steal everyday, meaning you get money everyday. Yet you're not eating. You're saving." Levi read my mind. This was getting creepier and creepier by the second.

"Uhh...I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone. Like forever." I ripped open the door and slammed it and locked it. They know way to much.

I slid down to the floor and hugged my knees.


(A/N) Surprise!! You're a badass thirteen year-old! Are you happy? Confused? Comment and lemmi know! (This also means you look fifteen cause you have tits. xD) Keep reading <3

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