Once it was clear Denny and Russell sign to bots to come. Nova stayed with Denny and Russell. That way she had to keep a close eye while on the field. By security cameras, they manage to see what was happening there. By what Nova learned so far. The team has met a mystery- con,  who had pick thermatanium, which is usually used in Starships just like Alchemor. This made more question for Nova. 'Is there another Starship? The team once spot another ship under the water once. could there be another one?'

The mystery-con came in from other direction and started to use melter to melt thermanatium. Nova could guess con resembles earth beetle bug. 'Great! It's been long since I spotted an Insecticon.'

 Bumblebee faced him so Strongarm and Grimlock could surprise him and capture him. But they still had a problem to work in sync and got tangled on each other with wires. Nova facepalm at their performance. 

"Strongarm.....Grim...." She sighed disappointedly.

Nova was so focused on the screen that didn't notice Russell go there and pick some melted thermanatium. She and Denny realized it once they saw it on screen.

"What is Russell doing there?" She asked

"Oh no!" Denny said and left to save his son.

"Wait, we need to..." Nova didn't get to finished since Denny already left. She groaned before leaving two stunned guards behind. 

 Once she gets inside find Denny up in shelf and mystery-con holding Russell in his hand. But where was Bumblebee? That's when she notice hot melting metal going down into the viaduct. Could it be...?


"What's this? another human." The mystery- con said. "You're wasting your time here. This is no place for a squishy one."

"Squishy?.....Who you calling squishy?!" Nova said irritated before her body began glow brightly which blinded the Decepticon. Once it died out, he received a punch which released Russell then ran to Denny. The mystery- con shook off the dizziness as he looked up to see Nova in her Titan Mode.

"What's the matter? Too shocked to see me?" Nova said.

He was shocked to see that was once a human became a Cybertronian. "W-What are you?" He said.

"Hmph....I'm just the female bot who's was about to get your butt whooped." Nova said, bring out her arm-blades as she lunged at her enemy.

Her blades clashes with the mystery- con's which was a good thing she was a good swordmanship. Both of them clashes one another before they're eye to eye.

"Now there. That's not the way how ladies behave." Saberhorn said. "Didn't they teach you etiquette?"

"The only etiquette I know is how to punish dirty scumbags." Nova said, pushing him back,  before she disarmed him and knocked him the floor.

He was shock at first then was impressed by her attack. "Impressive, your the first maiden who ever defeated me." He stated.

Nova replied, walking up to him, "Let's just say I learned it from a certain Wrecker."

"Indeed, However....." He said before he swing his sword with quick swift which made Nova flinched, backing away from the attack until he stood up. "your skills needs sharpening."

Nova gritted before intending to kick her opponent, but it didn't do much because he managed to block it with his arm.


"Something wrong?" He mocked. "I knew a maiden such as yourself aren't for battles," he said before pushed her away then kicking her which knocked her on the ground,  ending the attack by pointing his blades at her to keep her from standing.

"Takes so long by the Fact that you were defeated by the warrior and gentle-con." the mystery- con said.

Nova glared at him before her expression changed to a calm look. "you sure do....Though, there is one fact that you should learn." Nova said smugly.

"Oh, what is that?

"Is that.... villains get distracted over victory."

 He was confused what she meant before Strongarm and Grimlock landed on him in which Nova stood up, dusting herself as she walked towards Strongarm and Grimlock then free them with her arm-blade.

"Good job you two." Nova stated, retracting her blades.

They turned to the mystery-Con who seems really peeved as he said, "You dare strike me....you are either undeniably brave or also foolish."

Grimlock said, "I gonna go with the first one."

"Grim, you handle the con. Strongarm and I will rescue Bee." Nova ordered.

"You got it, Novera Prime." Grimlock said as he handle Saberhorn.

Nova sighed, ignoring what he said as she and Strongarm went to get Bumblebee out of the viaduct. 

"Thanks you two." Bee said before they turned to see Grimlock swinging Saberhorn's body around.

Bee realized what he was doing before he shouted, "Grim!! No!! Not through that.."

It was too late, As Grimlock throw the con through the wall which allowed it to escape. "So much for damage control." Nova face palmed.

They couldn't go after him, but it didn't matter now. The important thing is Russell is safe. And it appears Strongarm and Grimlock finally learned to work together as they are. But Bumblebee knew they gonna meet that con again, especially if it has something to do with Starship.

Back in the scrapyard

After the mission, Nova managed to fix the damage and erase the evidence before the 2 guards would wake up. Nova, Denny and Russell were inside the diner, staring at the cabinet which Russell called his trophy case from their precious mission. 

Denny said, placing his arm around , "Sorry, you couldn't bring back the trophy this time. But to tell you the truth, I'm just glad you came back."

Russell replied, "Huh....That makes two of us." 

"Huh...I can see why you wanted it. But next time don't do something dangerous whenever you want a trophy, Okay?" Nova said sternly.

Russell said, "I will, Promise."

Denny smiled before ruffling his hair as he and Nova left the diner. Russell was disappointed but then he notice his torn jacket which he found his own trophy before placing it on the shelf with a smile.

Nova head back to the command center where Fixit announces he's used a computer in one of Windblade's caches to access a Cybertronian database, and is able to identify Saberhorn, but is disturbed to find the Decepticon was indeed a prisoner on the Alchemor.

Bee questioned, "Who is this Saberhorn?"

Strongarm added,  "And where did he come from?"

Nova hummed in thought then recalled back about her dream. 'Wait a minute, my vision?!....That Con said he 's on a new and more appreciative team? Does that mean there are others out there? I had a bad feeling that this is going to be harder than I thought.'

Grimlock said, breaking the silenced, "More importantly....When do I get to punch him?"

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