"I mean he is your first love after all! He was your everything."
"But as you said "Was" in the past tense! Now... it's all you! You are my everything!
You are my friend... My partner in crime... My bad boy... My true and only love... My beloved Nathaniel... My baby's father... The only one that trusted and believed me... The only one always by my side even when all the fingers were pointing at me...
You believed my innocence... You did all you could to prove me right till you saved me!... You will always be my Nathaniel in my eyes. I truly love you." I said and I couldn't help my tears.

"I can't find words to express my happiness of this beautiful love confession, my beautiful wife!... My first and only love." He said and joined me crying while hugging me...
"You know why I always loved calling you Nathaniel?"
"No, maybe it's more manly... Maybe hot too?" He said wiggling his eyebrows and then winking at me and bitting his lower lip.
I hit his arm playfully as I couldn't help blushing and I tried to seem angry and serious while I said: "Stop Nathaniel! I want to talk a little bit seriously here..."
He looked at my face and started chuckling but stopped as soon as I turned to walk away as I was embarrassed and he nodded as he was saying I'm listening, carry on with what you were saying.
"No, it's because it means a gift of God! I always saw you like that..." I said tearing up.

We stayed a few minutes hugging but I felt as if he was distracted, I pulled away from the hug and looked at him waiting for him to talk as he whispered:
"Could I ask you something really important because... It just keeps on messing with my brain?! What is it with my baby's father?! Do you mean Matthew or...?"
"Yeah! It's the "Or" thing... I'm pregnant!" I said with goggly eyes.
"Oh my God! I'll be a father again!" He began calling out loud and laughing. "I love you, I love you, I love you a million times!" He hugged me and began circling around...
"I am sorry, I am sorry. Did I hurt you? Is the baby alright? You should rest..." He said that and I kept laughing. He is so adorable!
"I'm fine. Trust me, I'm fine!"
"You're fine... like... not tired?" Then, he looked with a wicked smile and murmured: "Like could we do stuff?"
"Yeah! Why not? You said to call the day off and I will so, why not?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah! But first off, let's start with family breakfast! What do you think?"
"When it comes to your food, I never say no."
"But you're helping mister!"
"Okay, okay! You know... we could watch a movie after that but, there is unfortunately a problem!"
"What? Why? What is it?"
"I'd like to take you to the movies, but they don't let you bring in your own snacks."
"God damn! You got me in love again."

"In my opinion, there are three kinds of beautiful: Cute, pretty, and sexy. Somehow, you manage to be all three."
"You know, I had a pickup line ready to go, but you're so hot it just left my mind."
"Oh my God! It's hard to compete with you in pick up lines!"
"You know it's good that I kept all my life written as a book so that I always look back to all our love story...
You may have been mean, arrogant, and a lot more but at last, you captured my heart!"
"Yeah! Maybe we could take a look after that... in any cheesy part of my different attempts to tempt you to love me after you broke down."
"Okay, maybe we could read a little bit when we're cuddling... I still can't believe it became this famous best-selling novel in the whole world!

Wait a second...
We'll be late on preparing breakfast if you keep on distracting me like that! Go wake Matthew and tell him to come help us with the cookies..."
"Wait what! Cookies?!
Even in zero gravity, I would still fall for you! Are you a magician? Because when I'm looking at you, you make everyone else disappear!"
"Okay, I got it. Don't push your luck too far! I love you too... mwah!" I blew him a kiss.
I watched him go to wake Matt up and thought: thank God I was blessed with such a good family...
He's such a great man! A great father! A great husband!
"Now, captain Matthew is flying to reach his mom in his special ship! Vroom... vroom!" I heard his voice calling then I saw him holding Matthew by his waist and making him use his hands as if he's Superman... I am truly in love with this man.
" Forget about Spiderman, Superman, and Batman. I'll be your man." Matthew yelled.
"What can we say?! Like father, like son."

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