chapter forty-seven

Start from the beginning

His dark eyes catch mine and all can I say is that he's mad at me, "You fucking whore."

Everything in the room melts away when he pushes me back with all his strength. It takes me a few moments to process what just happened. A high-pitched sound resonates, followed by the crackling noises of glasses.

A sudden pain burning on my left forearm brings me back to lucidity.

That bastard pushed me against a table full of glasses now shattered into hundreds of pieces.

I hear the gasps of the couple who were sitting at the red table. I'm not regretting every word I said to him and I'm not going to let him be near Lisa.

I won't mind if he will try to hurt me once again.

She's worth the pain.

With a low grunt, I stand up and give him the most contemptuous glare I have.

"You're dead motherfucker," I casually state as I walk towards him.

Before I crash my fist into his stupid face, someone grabbed my wrist to stop me from doing anything which is not the best timing. A tall man slides between us and looks at me with confusion all over his face.

"Madame, ça suffit! (Trans: Ma'am, that's enough!)" he says making me sigh in frustration.

He finally lets go of his grip on my wrist and steps aside. His piercing blue eyes stare at us with annoyance before he speaks again.

"Je vous prie de quitter les lieux immédiatement s'il vous plaît, sinon je vais devoir appeler la police. (Trans : Please leave the premises now, if not, I have to call the police.)"

"Toutes mes excuses, monsieur. Je n'ai jamais eu l'intention de vous causer des ennuis. Cette fille est une folle. Elle m'a agressé physiquement, (Trans: All my apologies, sir. I never intended to cause you any trouble. This girl is crazy. She physically assaulted me.)" Kai says.

I can understand every single word he just used to make me look like the villain in the story and it's pathetic. He's unbearable. I can already feel the urge to punch him with my bag once again. He really thinks he can win against me, but I have something to fight back.

"Il a essayé de voler mon sac avant de me pousser en arrière parce que je ne voulais pas lui donner. (Trans: He tried to steal my bag before pushing me back because I didn't want to give him.)"

Kai wasn't expecting to hear me speak in French and it shows. Gawking, he stares at me, completely dumbfounded. The manager seems to believe me because he turns to glare at Kai.

"Dégage de mon bowling, enfoiré. (Trans: Get out of my bowling, asshole.)"

"Elle ment! (Trans: She's lying !)" Kai exclaims, but he doesn't sound convincing.

"What the hell guys? What's going on? Why are you peeing blood?" A familiar masculine voice interrupts us. "Mom's gonna kill me for sure."

Kai glances over my shoulder and I turn to see three people that I know too well. I guess the sound of the glasses shattering on the floor caught their attention.

When Taehyung's eyes fall on my bleeding forearm, he freezes right on spot by what he just saw. My little brother hates blood since kindergarten after he fell on the ground on a rainy day. He had a minor trauma because of this, but ever since that day, he keeps telling my parents that he doesn't want to be a doctor.

"It's nothing," I tell him.

"She's right," Kai adds.

I give him a death glare, "Shut up, perv. You're gonna pay for my medical bills."

"Hold on, Kai did this ?" Jisoo asks referring to my wound.

Jisoo is also not of a big fan of blood. So, when they looked at my arm, they had the same expression: horrified and disgusted. The wound is pretty deep even though it doesn't hurt that much. There's some glass fragment inside my skin and I can already tell that it's going to hurt when I'm going to remove them. Taking my jacket off before going to the restroom with Kai was a bad idea, but he's not really predictable.

While I look at the drops of blood crashing to the ground, the manager of the bowling speaks up.

"Attendez une seconde, vous vous connaissez ? (Trans: Wait a second, you two know each other ?)"

Kai answers yes before I had the chance. The tall man with light blonde hair rolls his eyes.

"Peu importe. Je vous laisse dix minutes pour déguerpir. (Trans: Whatever. I'm giving ten minutes to leave.)" he says before walking away.

"Explain or I'll kill you," Jisoo casually orders while looking at Kai.

"She punched me in the face with her bag and I pushed her. I swear I didn't know she would fall and hurt herself," he says.

What a liar. I bet he feels relieved that I'm in pain right now. He acts like he did not mean it, but we both know that he would have liked me to be even more injured.

I see a hint of a smile from Taehyung when Kai mentioned how I hit him. He really think that this is funny? I wish I had a brother who cares about me, not a silly one who smiles because I got hurt.

I scoff and roll my eyes at his attempt of making it look like he did nothing wrong. I would never forgive him for what he did to me and he will obviously pay for my hospital care. I just hope that the price will ruin him. 

My gaze naturally falls on a slender figure beside Jisoo and the second later, our eyes meet. Lisa is the one who breaks the contact and my heart aches a little bit at her lack of emotions passing through her face.

"Let's go to emergency," Taehyung suggests.

"I'm gonna buy some groceries for tonight with Lisa. Shall we meet at the hotel?" Jisoo says.

I nod, "Okay, see ya."

And the minute later, we part our way.


When the doctor removed one of the pieces of glass inside my wound, I couldn't stop myself from shrieking. It was god damn painful. For twenty minutes, I was praying that someone will end my misery until she told me that it was finished.

I've never been so relieved in my life.

Everything went pretty well after he gave me some painkillers. When we got back to the hotel suite, Jisoo and Lisa weren't there yet. I decided to lay on my bed while Taehyung and Kai were somewhere in the living room or kitchen.

I don't really care about what they are doing.

The pain reliever that I swallowed a couple minutes ago has exhausted me, so I take off my shoes and slump on the comfy bed. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I fall into a deep sleep.

I feel like a few minutes have passed before someone wakes me up with knocks on my door. I let out a small grunt, and get up from the mattress. Another knock, follow by two other knocks. This person seems to be in hurry and if it's that pervert bastard, I will break his jaw gladly.

"Coming!" I yell before walking towards the door.

My heart beats madly because of the sight of the woman I've been dying to speak. She's right in front of me with a white bag in her right hand.

"Can I come in?" Lisa asks me with a timid smile on her plump lips.

I nod while stuttering, "Y-Yes, of-of course."


For those who thought it would be a romantic interaction between kai and jennie

well... surprise 💛

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