Chapter 47

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I hadn't seen Michael since we had gotten home, which really bothered me, since we separated on weird terms with a wall in between us. A wall I so desperately want gone. But all we could do is to just ignore it, but how easy is it to ignore it when you're not even hanging out? I mean, this is probably the first time we've voluntarily been apart for this long, and it felt weird. I'd used my time with Mia, though. She had gone on a coffee date with Dylan which had turned out really good, the date ending with a kiss outside Mia's door. Nothing else, but she's not the type of person so go that far on the first date.

Maddie was using time with Luke when she could, but they had been apart over Christmas as well, so they had their own little Christmas break of their own, almost a lock-in at her place. It made me miss Michael and I knew that I would jump in his arms at New Year's, the wall between us or not. "You're really not going to tell Michael about your family?" Mia asks, bringing her legs up to her body on the couch after setting her plate down that had some salad on. She had once been this healthy-freak, so she knew a lot of healthy delicious food. Also, I had eaten too much junk in Australia that I had gained, so I had to watch out a bit. After New Year's, I would have to work out as well.

I shake my head, taking a hand through my hair as I look at her. "No, I'm not. And if he can't accept that, maybe he doesn't love me enough," I tell her.

"So, this is about how much he actually loves you?" Mia asks, making me look up at her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"No, it's not. Talking about it is the last thing I want to do, and he would just have to learn how to live with that. You think he can do that?" Mia gives me a smile, nodding.

"I'm sure he can. I'm sure he'll do anything for you." I smile, thanking her as I look down at the couch I was sitting on. "You'll get through this, El, I know it." I nod, she's right. Our relationship wouldn't be strong if we can't even get through this. And where would that leave us years from now when the newly in-love spark is gone? People might love each other, but there comes a time in a relationship when it's just the same pretty much every day, and you would have to have a strong relationship not to break up then.

Later that day we went to the boys' place, they were having this thing before New Year's tonight. I could feel myself being slightly nervous, but also happy to go there, since I would see Michael again. I was nervous as to how he would act when I came. If it would be like everything was the same, or if the wall is too visible between us. I don't want this to become a big deal, and hopefully, it won't. As I stopped my car in front of the house, Mia was about to go out when she realized I was sitting still. "El, don't worry about it. You'll get through this, you think with you being so scared of love wasn't a bigger deal than this?"

"Michael understood why I was scared, but he doesn't understand why I don't want to talk about my family, because to him, it's important. And of course it is, his family is fucking amazing." Mia sighs, closing the door again, before slightly smacking me in the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"For you being such a pussy! If you can't even get through this, why would you even be together, then? Huh? What girlfriend is scared of walking into a house where her boyfriend is?" I mentally sigh as I look at her. "Stop your self-pity and do something about it. Go in there and make out with him or something. Just prove to yourself that whatever stupid wall is between you guys aren't thick enough to tear you apart!"

"Stop sounding like such a grown-up," I tell her, making both of us slightly laugh, her rolling her eyes.

"If you haven't noticed I was acting more like a grown-up before I started hanging out you and Maddie in seventh grade." I laugh, nodding. It was true, she was acting so mature before Maddie and I ruined her completely. We eventually get out of the car, me just opening the door to their house, something I had been doing for so long.

Don't Stop | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now