Chapter 65

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"Noooo, can't I just say it over text?" Maddie asks, or more like pleads as I push her forward. She's a wining baby this girl. And not enough with that, Maddie's dog - who she still doesn't have a name for - keeps running in front of my feet.

"She'll kill you and you know that!" I say, Maddie finally groaning out. Mia had been out of town these last few days, so while Luke was packing most of his stuff for her apartment, we were going to say, or Maddie was going to tell Mia that Maddie was knocked up.

Okay, pregnant sounds way more planned. So we were on our way from the boys' place to mine where Mia was coming. Maddie convinced me at a tiny brunch, which we both knew was a big one. She's pregnant, a perfect excuse to eat as much as she can. Especially when she barfs everything up again.

Okay, now she sounds like she has bulimia. Great job, Eleanor. "She's going to scream in my face, isn't she?"

"Depends on what kind of screaming you're thinking of."

"Overly excited."

"Yep." When we finally arrived at my place, Maddie's ass was planted on the couch as I started making pancakes and bacon. Other than that we would just have some bread.

"Do you think I'm more excited about this baby than I should be?" Maddie asks as she enters the kitchen. I look up at her, obviously not getting what she means with that. "I mean, with everything else that's going on, shouldn't I have more doubt than I do?"

"Maddie, you've always wanted to be a mom one day, and you get to do it with your celebrity crush. Of course you're excited. I mean, yeah, twenty is a pretty young age, especially when it comes to bands or singers who's topping their career at the moment. But you've always talked about how you can't wait to hold your own baby in your arms." Maddie smiles, relaxing her shoulders a bit. "But I also think it's because you haven't realized yet just how hard it's going to be."

"Probably all of those things," she laughs. "But I don't think anyone quite knows until they've tried it. And I haven't, I've only been at my mom's work for six hours, seven tops. I haven't felt what it's like to not be able to take a break. Like a whole new culture shock. It'll probably feel like that, don't you think?" I nod, completely agreeing with her. I'm about to say something, when the sound of the door opens. A little barf escapes the dog's mouth as he starts running towards the door. You could hear Mia making noises at him before she enters the room, with the little puppy licking her all over the face.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Maddie looks at me, kind of horrified.

"You know, just a brunch," I say, pulling her in for a hug, Maddie doing the same thing.

"You okay Mads?" Mia asks, making me look at Maddie. She was really pale and looked like she was going to pass out. Mia feels her forehead, making a comment about that she wasn't warm or anything.

"Why don't we just sit down and eat?" Maddie says, ignoring her question. I couldn't help but wonder if it was sickness or nerves that made her this pale, but either way, it wasn't her color.

"You sure?" Mia asks, sitting down. Maddie just nods. "Well, what's going on with you guys' life then?"

"Uhmm, Michael actually bought some nice clothes for the movie premiere," I decide on start with.

"Yeah I saw! He looked so fancy, like... not what you'd expect from him. I loved your dress too," she comments. "Did you tell him to dress up?" I shake my head.

"No, he actually did it himself. I just said I would be wearing a dress, and I figured he thought that he wanted to look a bit fancier than usual. It suited him, but I do prefer my band-tee boyfriend." She laughs a bit, nodding.

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