Chapter 28

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"Do you realize we haven't hung out alone for three weeks, and it's been even longer since it was a happy time as we hung out?" I laugh as Maddie and I walk around the mall. I had convinced her to come with me, normally she hated shopping, unless she was in a really shopping mood. And with her finally being back on top after getting with Luke, she agreed.

"I know, but I guess I've been busy with Luke this last week." She smiles as she slightly jumps. I laugh a bit, she was her happy self again, even happier than I thought was humanly possible. "Has he really been that into me all along?"

"You should've seen his face when he met you. His jaw fell to the ground, and he has been talking none-stop about you ever since. Ash and Calum started getting annoyed with those two because they kept talking about us apparently."

"I just wish I met him before I met Jack," she says, looking a bit down at her feet, but not as in she was back to being a wreck because of him.

"Trust me, we all do." She laughs as we start walking, both of us immediately turning as we walked pass Game Stop. "How could we almost walk pass this store?" I ask, her shrugging as she laughs. Both of us are literally obsessed with gaming, every time we're here, it's a must to go in here. It's not always we buy something, but we always have to go in here.

"Afterwards, we're going to the music store," Maddie says, me nodding. She was obsessed with CD's, she's always said that "it has some charm to it".

"Okay," I laugh, rolling my eyes a bit. I ended up buying a shooting game, Maddie not buying anything. We make our way out of the store, laughing. Maddie doesn't watch where she's going and bumps into someone's back, making him turn around.

"Jack?" Maddie gasps, a smirk spreading across his lips.

"Maddie, what's up?"

"Right now, my hatred for you," she says, completely straight face, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Aww, did I hurt you?" he says in a mocking tone, holding her chin between his index and thumb.

"Don't fucking touch me," she spits, taking a deep breath and I know it's to not slap him, or beat him. "You fucking cheated on me, manwhore." This made Jack's jaw tense up as his fists curl up, his knuckles turning white.

"Excuse me, bitch?" he growls.

"You heard me. And yes, you did hurt me, but I'm over you, okay?"

"Pff, no one gets over me that fast," he laughs confidently. Cocky bastard.

"I wasn't really broken because of you. I was broken because I was so fucking stupid to believe you over my best friend. You're a waste of space, Jack." He rolls his eyes, smirking down at her.

"Oh, you're still head over heels for me. You just won't admit it to me. I bet when you leave here, you'll go home and bawl your eyes out," he laughs, her rolling her eyes.

"For your information, I'm going to visit my boyfriend."

"Pff, you don't fucking have a boyfriend," he laughs, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, yeah I do. And he's treating me way better than you ever will. If you go on the internet and search "Luke Hemmings new girlfriend" you'll probably see a picture of him and me from one of the past few days."

"Luke Hemmings, that dude from that band? You don't fucking know him."

"I've been dating Michael from that band for the last three months," I decide to join it, crossing my arms over my chest. "And for the record, ever since I met you, I've been wanting to yell at you, telling you what a skunk you are. But I've been keeping it in because Maddie is my best friend, but I guess I can do different things now." I swing my hand, slapping him across the face. "That's for checking me out when we met, since I was only in an oversized shirt." Slap. "That was for looking at my breasts at the bar." Slap. Slap. Slap. "That was because I wanted to." I kick him right between the legs, making him groan as he leans forward a bit. "That was for cheating on my best friend." I grab Maddie's hand as we half jog away. I look back at Jack, seeing as he falls down on the floor, both of us just laughing.

Don't Stop | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now