Chapter 62

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"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask Maddie, as I comb her hair. She's agreed to let me do something to her hair before the boys come home, which is about two hours from now. "You look a bit pale."

"I think I'm coming down with something," she tells me, rubbing her eye. "I think I ate something bad."

"Maybe it's nerves from getting Luke home again," I tease her a bit, making her smile.

"They're only home for about ten days," she sighs, looking at me in the mirror. "Do you think it'll get harder with time, or easier?" I stop my movement, not knowing how to answer. "I mean, this is harder than the first time, but the first time they went on tour, we were still really in love, like, the honeymoon phase. This time, we've had to work harder for it. Do you think it'll get easier because we get used to it? Or that we'll end up spending too much time apart?"

"I think it depends," I tell her, finishing up straightening her hair. If I can't do her makeup, I can at least do something with her hair now and then.

"On what?"

"Who you are, and how you fight for it. I mean, if you give up on keeping contact, and don't make the best out of the time you have together, it's not going to last," I say, letting go of her hair as I sit down on the bed a few feet behind me. "But if you make the best out of every possible moment, and keep in contact every time you can, I think it can work. But sometimes it just depends on the person; if you're willing to have a boyfriend who's away a lot of the time."

"It's broken up tons of people," Maddie says, sighing. "I just don't want it happening to Luke and I."

"And I don't want it to happen to Michael and I." She turns around in the chair, us sitting in silence for a few seconds, before Maddie speaks again.

"We shouldn't worry about that now. We should just worry about the fact that we'll see our amazing boyfriends soon," Maddie says, smiling widely as she stands up. "Now, let's go, we have to make sure to be there in time!" I laugh, nodding as I follow her out my room. We decided on taking a cap there, both of us talking.

We finally get there, JFK already filled with fans, and they start screaming when they saw us. "I think I'm becoming deaf!" I yell over the screaming to Maddie.

"What!? I can't hear you!" she yells back. I give up already as we make our way inside, the security letting us in obviously. Maddie then takes out her phone, checking it. "They just got out of the plane." I can't help but smile, wanting to break through the windows to get to Michael faster. "It's always now you realize how much you've missed them, right?"

"Yeah, the moments you get to be with them is so worth having them across the world at times." She nods, smiling widely. I don't know how long we waited, but I suddenly hear the screams getting louder, the sliding doors opening. The first one coming out is Michael. I don't even notice that I'm running towards him, until I'm literally jumping in his arms, my legs around his waist.

"I've missed you so much," Michael says, me letting go of his waist as I slide down on the ground. "I know we haven't been apart longer than four weeks, but oh god," he says, cupping my face as he presses his lips to mine. I let my fingers go in his hair as his lips move with mine.

"Okay guys, keep it PG," Ashton laughs, as he slightly pulls us apart. I feel my cheeks heating up, Michael taking his arm around me, giving my temple a kiss.

"Okay, we'll wait till we get back home," he laughs as we make our way out. He takes a grab on his suitcase as we make our way out. They had a huge van there to drive them back to their house.

"I've missed you," I say, hugging him tightly as Ashton took their suitcases in the trunk. He wraps his arms tightly around me back, my face burying itself in the crook of his neck. "I always forget how much how I miss you when you're gone."

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