Chapter 85

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Michael's POV

Stupid. Fucking stupid. How could I possibly think that waiting with telling Eleanor would do me good in any way? Of course she would find out. I'm a bit mad that Maddie told her, but none of the blame is on her, I know it's on me.

I smack the car door closed, groaning as I rub my face walking towards the front door. I open the door, my head just racing with thoughts. "Mikey?" Calum says as he sees me walking through the door. "You alright?" I shrug, not knowing what to say.

"I guess," I say. "El and I just had a fight."

"About what?" Ashton asks from the couch, where Luke also was, Maddie sitting next to him.

"He didn't tell Eleanor about the tour, and I'm guessing she's pissed." I just nod, showing that Maddie was right. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Swear jaw," Luke says, smirking a bit as he had Phoenix on his lap, who was sucking on a piece of toy. Maddie rolls her eyes, looking up at me again.

"I-I don't know. I hate telling that I'm leaving, and with everything that happened with her work, I just... I didn't want to make it worse." It's just silent between all of us.

"So, what happened? Please don't tell us you broke up because of that," Calum asks, me just shaking my head.

"No, I won't let that happen. But she was so mad, and ended up throwing me out. She yelled and said that it was her apartment, and that I technically have my own place."

"And you just left?" Calum asks, me looking at him for a few seconds.

"Well, she didn't want me there-"

"You're an idiot," Ashton says, shaking his head, me just looking at them. "Even I know that's the worst thing you can do." I just stand there, probably looking completely dumb.

"You should've refused to go, let her cool off or something. Don't leave your girlfriend in the middle of a fight, it'll make it worse," Maddie says, laughing slightly. "I've even told Luke that no matter how scary I get if we're in a fight, even if I tell him to go back to Australia, or something about a restraining order, don't ever leave me."

"Yeah, I've kind of also found a way of shutting her up. Just kiss her and go straight to the make up sex," Luke says, smirking slightly, before he looks back at me. "You gotta go back."

"And if she yells for me to leave again?"

"Refuse to leave. Figure it out." I breath out. I just then nod, turning on my heels as I leave again. They're right. I shouldn't fucking let it hang, if she wants to cool off, I'll sit next to her or across from her till she's ready to talk about it.

When I'm at the front door, I just stand there for a few seconds, maybe longer. But I eventually opens the door, walking in slowly. As I'm in the front room, I look to the stairs where Eleanor is sitting on the steps, hugging Boomer. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks are red. She looks up, her face unreadable. She sniffles, before standing up. She slowly walks towards me, and I'm mentally preparing for her to either slap me or yell at me. Instead when she's about halfway, her face breaks and she runs into my arms. I feel my entire body relax as I close my arms close around her. "I'm so sorry," I say, trying not to break down, but you can clearly hear my voice shake. "I just... I hate seeing your face when you realize that I'll be gone on tour, and I just..." I can't even finish the sentence, because I know I'll break down. I tighten my grip around Eleanor again, as if I don't, she'll slip out of my grip.

"Just..." she says, pulling away, about to wipe away her tears when I beat her to it. "You just have to share those things with me, the instant you know it. We have to communicate like that, alright?"

Don't Stop | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now