Chapter 43

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Michael's parents let us both use his room, which I was nervous they wouldn't. But we did get to share that tiny ass bed, Michael spooning me from behind, our legs completely intertwined with each other's. Although it was a small bed (compared to the fact that we were two people) it was quite nice. Now we didn't have any other choice but to lie close to each other. When I woke up, Michael's hands were resting around my waist under the shirt I was sleeping in. Michael slightly mumbled in his sleep from time to time before his body slightly jumped. He lets out a huge sigh as he sits up a bit. "You okay?" I say, turning a bit. His hand is now resting on my stomach and he smiles as he nods.

"Yeah, I just had that feeling of falling," he laughs. "Did I wake you?"

"No," I say, turning so I can hug his torso instead, nuzzling my face into his chest. "I was awake." I feel his arms tighten around me as he kisses my forehead.

"How did you sleep? I know this bed is way smaller than what you're used to." I laugh a bit, nodding.

"I slept really good," I tell him. "But I always do with your arms are around me." It was more of a mumble as my cheek was pressed against his chest.

"You know, I never really used to be a big fan of cuddling, but with you I just want to do anything to have to as close to me as possible." I smile against his chest as I look up at him. He smiles, letting a hand go down my cheek, pressing his lips sweetly to mine. "But I've never been in love before, so why would I cuddle anyone?"

"What about your mom?" I laugh, letting my nose touch his. "I mean, everybody cuddles their mom when they're kids." He laughs a bit, shrugging.

"That's something else." I laugh, before sitting up, Michael just looking up at me. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Michael," I say, leaning back to kiss his lips. He cups my face to pull me closer to him, his hand sliding down my body, pulling me closer before he starts kissing my neck. "Mikey," I say, pulling away. "I am not having sex while your parents are in the same house."

"So, when they're gone?" he teases and I roll my eyes.

"Michael I am serious. I don't want your parents to walk in on us or hear us or anything." My hands are on his chest since he constantly tries to pull me closer.

"You know what my parents would say?" he slightly laughs, sitting up half so he's leaning on his elbows. "They would say, carry on and make sure you use protection. Because that's my parents. They won't judge us on it or anything." I sigh, shaking my head.

"I am still not having sex while they're here," I tell him. "It's like, the boys know we're having sex, but that doesn't mean that we want them to walk in on us."

"We both know they've heard us," he says, stealing a kiss on my lips.

"I am not having sex while they're here. End of discussion." He sighs, but a chuckle escapes his lips as he sits up all the way and surprises me by attacking down on the bed, his lips hungrily meeting mine, before attacking my neck, his hands knowing what to do to turn me on and he soon has me let out a huge moan. That's when he pulls away, jumps off the bed and disappears through the door, leaving me wanting more. "Damn you Clifford." That was probably his plan, turning me on then stopping. I sigh, knowing I would be horny and imagine his hands roaming my body the rest of the day, or at least until I got some action out of it. I get off the bed, quickly pulling on pair of sweatpants and taking on a bra underneath Michael's shirt. I make my way downstairs where I can hear Michael and his mom laughing and the sound of a knife scraping the plate.

"Arhh, good morning sweetie!" Karen chips as she smiles, pouring some syrup on Michael's pancakes. From the looks on his plate and mouth, he'd already eaten one.

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