Chapter 68

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"El, wake up," Michael says, shaking me. I open my eyes, my head resting on his shoulder as I yawn. "Did you even realize we took off?" I raise my head, seeing we're nearing the ground again. I shake my head, stretching my body, hitting Michael's face meanwhile, making both of us laugh. He grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Sorry you had to sit here and be bored," I say, slightly mumbling as I was still waking up.

"It's fine, babe," he laughs, a blush making its way to his cheeks. "I used the opportunity to watch you sleep," he says, winking.

"You so watched Walking Dead without me, didn't you." He bites his lip, looking away, me laughing, but pretending to be hurt. "It's fine, I'm too tired to kill you anyways. But I hope you know you'll have to re-watch them with me." He shrugs, slightly.

"I think I'll survive," he says, kissing the back of my hand. "If I can choose what we're doing afterwards." A smirk makes its way to his lips, lust filling his eyes, making me roll my eyes.

"No way," I say. "You chose to watch it without me, you can't choose what to do after you take responsibilities for your actions." He pouts, making me laugh as I boop his nose. Soon after we land in Rio de Janeiro. I'm too lazy to be the first ones out, so we just sit there, waiting for people to get out, so we could too without feeling to crowded.

Luckily, it seemed like people took their distance from us; they did recognize us and take pictures and such, but only a few came up to us. They were nice people, but it was also nice that other people obviously noticed that this was a getaway for Michael and I. When we finally arrived at the hotel, we both did the same thing - fell down on the bed. We had been up early, and sitting in an airplane always makes me tired. "I should take a shower," I mumble, so actually it mostly sounded like. "I shoe tay a showher."

"Huh?" Michael says, me groaning before I actually repeat it. "I'll join you," he says, lifting himself off the bed.

"No action, I'm too tired," I yawn, Michael lifting me off the bed.

"I wasn't going to suggest that, I am too tired as well, don't worry," he chuckles, kissing my nose. "I just love taking showers with you." I smile, wrapping my arms around his torso, him returning the hug tightly. We stand there for a few moments, before heading to the shower.

Nothing ended up happening, besides Michael taking the opportunity to wash my hair, also the rest of my body. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at how he always enjoyed doing that. Afterwards, we cuddled under the comforter, Michael taking his computer as I had made him watch an episode of The Walking Dead. We were both feeling really lazy, so I just snuggled myself into him as he chuckles slightly. "You better not fall asleep, nor spoil anything," I tell him, dead serious. He laughs, kissing my forehead.

"I'll try." It was weird - we should use our time here to go out, since it was only afternoon, and we had hours to spend. But we were too lazy to even consider it, none of us really said that we should stay in and snuggle under the comforter - we just did it. That's what I love about Michael and I's relationship, we didn't always have to decide on anything, we would just do it as we had already mentally agreed on what to do. But on the other hand; the shower with nothing happening spoke for itself.

Even though I felt like falling asleep, with Michael's hand going through my hair constantly, I stayed awake to watch the end of the episode. I was actually surprised at how Michael didn't fall asleep.

After a while of the episode being over and done, us just lying there, Michael suddenly blurted. "What do you think hurts the most, giving birth or getting kicked in the balls?"

"Are you kidding me?" I snort out, looking up at him. "Getting kicked is not even near giving birth. I haven't tried any of them, but I don't think getting kicked is the same as having a baby come out of your vagina."

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