Chapter 1

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"Amazing Green! Just amazing!" the familiar voice of my boss rung, making me smile widely. I took a hand through my hair, smiling proudly of myself, I should've gone used to it by now, but I still felt myself blush a bit every time I got praised with something. Everything in my life was so perfect right now, which was another reason to make me smile. Especially when it was my boss, a strict boss whom many thought couldn't get pleased, when she told me what I was doing was amazing, it had to be.

"Thank you," I said a bit shy, smiling as a robe got laid over my shoulder. I might be a Victoria's Secret model, an Angel even, but it wasn't because I enjoyed standing in just lingerie, there were a few boys here, some my age even. I was confident about my body, but I didn't enjoy the looks they gave me, and I did not like where their eyes landed every now and then (meaning all the time)

"Okay, Green, you're done here for today," she sing-songs. "I cannot believe how easy it is to work with you!" she squeals, letting out a little laugh as I make my way to the dressing room. The best part of this job, besides the money I earned from all of this, was that I got to keep the lingerie. I took on a skirt and a tank top, before I grabbed my purse. Mrs. Montegreto, my boss, stood and looked rather disapproving at the next model who was posing. I roll my eyes, she might have a great body, but she wasn't exactly good at posing. I walk out of the building, where I see a couple of boys looking at me. There were always a few guys out here, knowing this was a place where models were working. They whistled a bit at me, me ignoring them as I enter my car.

On my way home, I went to Starbuck's to grab a coffee before heading home, which I absolutely adored. My home, was this cool penthouse apartment, most I knew would die for it. It was pretty expensive, but I got a good, in fact, great deal on it. The one living here, taking care of this place, he had seen me in a magazine. Not that I was in any way complaining.

Getting home, I yawned, stretching my body a bit, before I sat down on the couch, spreading my legs out. It was quite quiet here when I was alone. Once when I was alone, it was one of the first nights here, there had been a thunderstorm. I had been lying under my sheets all night, scared to death. And then there had suddenly been a knock on the door, it almost made me shit my own pants. That until I found out it was only my gay friend.

I went up and took a shower, texting him while I had my hair wrapped up in a towel, another one around my torso. I stood and tapped my foot, I had always been a bit impatient, especially when waiting for a text. Luckily, he always had his phone within two feet. I quickly got a text back from him, asking me if I wanted to meet up, get some lunch, and talk about boys. I smiled and texted him back. I knew that he had something to say, he was never really one to talk about boys that much, let alone text me that we should talk boys.

I got really excited, since he came out of the closet, he had never had a boyfriend, which reminded me that I had to tell him about my own breakup. I had recently broken up with my boyfriend, James. He was a model too, just not an underwear model, though I don't think he would have trouble becoming one.

He had begun to bug me a lot in the end, so that was why I was going to break up with him. At first when we started dating, he had taken me out, like, all the time. It was perfect, and he was so sweet and caring, but in the end he started acting strange and distant. Plus, I ended up finding him cheating on me with another girl. Even though I had thought about breaking up with him, it had still hurt like a bitch.

Braiding my hair, I put on a pair of shorts and my Glamour Kills shirt, and I was ready to go. I went out my apartment, still feeling a bit tired, but I knew that it was going to be worth it. "Eleanor!" a voice called as I entered the café. I turn my head, seeing Darren, my gay friend, standing up from his seat, and went over to me. "Oh my gosh, it has been too long!" he spoke, wrapping his arms around me, hugging me tightly, me of course returning it. We pull away from the hug, sitting down again.

Don't Stop | Michael CliffordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang