Chapter 34

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We sat down around the table, me feeling like I was going to fall asleep any minute. Michael was also pretty tired, Calum and Ashton laughing together. "Dude, you should cover that hickey up," Calum laughs, Michael looking up before he remembered what I had done. I look at Maddie, us making eye contact as we laugh.

"I just got my revenge, that's all," I laugh, putting some cereal in my mouth, my face scrunching up a bit as it had gotten soft and sloppy. I hated it, my cereal is supposed to crunch. Michael rolls his eyes beside me, smiling over at me. He puts his toast to his lips, biting down on it as I feel his hand on my upper thigh. I look at him, our eyes locking as he sends me a smirk, looking away as his hand slides further up my thigh. My body stiffen as I remove it from my thigh. He chuckles, his hand coming onto my thigh again. "No," I hiss silently as I smack it away. He laughs, finally resting both elbows on the table.

Afterwards, the guys left to the arena, Maddie and I would leave in thirty minutes. We had agreed on that this morning, so we wouldn't get mobbed, or at least not a lot. We had both quickly agreed on it. Luckily, pretty much nobody was outside the hotel, only one security guard was needed to get us in the car. A few fans were there, screaming at us, but it wasn't too bad. We get in a much smaller car as it drives us over to where the guys were going to play. We came there, and I felt my heart beating fast as I saw all the fans outside. Will we get mobbed again? The driver then drove over to a place, where a gate opened, and I realized that they would drive pass all the crazy fans, me letting out a sigh in relief. The driver stopped, Maddie and I getting out. The first thing I heard was a lot of screaming. I then look to my side, seeing Luke and Calum playing soccer, Luke currently dribbling with the ball. Maddie then takes off, her always being in a pair of sneakers took the ball from him. "Maddie you get back here!" Luke laughs, following her. He wraps his arms around her from behind, swinging her around.

"That's not how you play soccer!" Maddie laughs. "You cheeeeater!" I laugh, making my way inside to find Michael. He was lying on the stage with his guitar, streaming it.

"Hey," I say, making him sit up, looking at me.

"Hey babe," he smiles, standing up, giving me a kiss on the cheek. He then sits down again, me sitting beside him. He seemed in some way distracted or something. I decide on not say anything as I sit beside him, showing him that I got something was up, but waited for him to say something.

He didn't look at me as he kept sitting with his guitar, and I was sitting and looking at him. "What's wrong?" I blurt out, not being able to take it anymore. His eyes go to mine, him giving me a smile.

"What do you mean? I'm fine," he says, obviously lying. I raise an eyebrow as he looks at me. He sighs, putting down his guitar as he sits down on the floor with me. "I'm just scared of being away from you," he admits. "I know that if we can't even handle the distance, what's the point? But I love you El, I'm scared of losing you." He lays his head on my shoulder, letting out a deep breath. I bite my lip, looking ahead of us. I was about to say something when the sound of the others came in, and Michael quickly stood up, me still sitting there, looking up at him. The others seemed oblivious to the mood in here, which quickly changed as they came in. Luke was having Maddie over his shoulder, both of them laughing as Calum and Ashton talking about something. I stand up, brushing off my jeans as Luke lets Maddie fall down on the couch behind me, attacking her with tickles. She's usually not the most ticklish person, but there are few people who can tickle her, including Luke.

"LUKE STOOOOOP," Maddie laughs and I see tears stream down her face from laughing so hard. Luke doesn't listen to her, obviously and keeps tickling her as she desperately tries to push him off. He's heavier and stronger, so that's not going to happen.

Don't Stop | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now