Chapter 89

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"So, that was our trip," I say, taking a sip of my coffee, as Maddie is happily chewing on a french fry.

"I am so jealous. I really want to try and go on such a trip." I smile, taking a hand through my hair. "But I'm on a different kind of journey, and I couldn't be happier."


"Well, it's perfect as of now, but I'm scared of what's going to happen with the tour and everything." Maddie sighs, looking a bit at her food.

"Please tell me you've talked to Luke about all of this," I say. We were at a restaurant for lunch, just the two of us, which it hadn't been for a while.

"I have, don't worry. After having Philip, we've been way better at communicating. It's partly because of all the hormones and stuff like that, but also because we kind of have to." I smile.

"You sound so grown up," I say, pretending to wipe away a tear, both of us laughing afterwards. "I feel like we've both grown much more mature over the last year or two."

"Well, we've had to. With dating Luke and Mikey, it's not like we've had much of a choice. I mean, working for a relationship where they're gone a lot of the time. Also, having a kid makes you grow up too."

"I don't believe that you've grown that much. You're still the immature, little girl I know." Maddie laughs, taking a hand through her hair, taking some fries in her mouth.

"I'm going to be a horrible mother on that point," she laughs.

"Or the best mother," I say, giving her a wink. "Just... don't let it come between Luke and you. I know it hasn't so far, but having a kid can easily make you focus more on that, than your relationship and each other."

"I know," Maddie says, nodding. "I am very aware of it, and so are Luke. So, that's why we are so lucky that Philip has some uncles and an aunt to babysit him while his parents work on their relationship." Maddie winks at me, laughing.

"Obviously," I laugh. I take my hair up in a ponytail, scratching the back of my neck. "I can't believe you're going to leave me though, when you go on tour with them."

"I won't do it all the time, it won't be good for Philip. But I want Luke to be with him as much as he can, I know babies can't remember anything at this age, but I'm almost positive that it makes a difference in their relationship."

"And I'll have two dogs to keep me company meanwhile."

"I wish you could come too, though," Maddie mumbles a bit, rearranging her sitting in the chair.

"But I can't leave my work yet again. I've done that already too much, and I need to get back in the game, you know?" Maddie nods, knowing how I love my Victorias Secret job, but after the fire, after just meeting Michael, I hadn't been as focused on that as I should.

"Anyway, I loved this, but I have to get home. Seperation anxiety is getting the best of me right now." I smile, getting eye contact with the waiter to get the check.

"You don't usually have it that strongly," I tell her, as she shrugs a bit.

"Luke took him to the doctor because of a cold he's had. It's nothing, but my baby's sick, and I want to get back to him." I nod, completely understanding.

"You need a ride?"

"No, it's fine, the subway is just a block away, and you have to go the opposite direction." The waiter comes over with the bill, Maddie reaching out for it.

"No, I got it. Get home to your sick baby," I tell her. She gives me a quick hug, before walking out of the restaurant. I get my card out of my wallet, paying for our food, before leaving as well. I get to my car, driving home. It was silent when I got inside, too quiet. But on the other hand, the last few months I'd spend with Michael none-stop, who would always make some sort of noise. His breathing is one thing, it's so heavy. When I first got to know him, before I fell in love with him, his breathing drove me insane. A bit when Rachel is pregnant in Friends, and Ross' breathing is driving her insane.

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