Chapter 58

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Everything eventually turned out great with Darren and Chris, and the little boy named Samuel. Darren had almost ran out of the building before we entered their apartment, but we held him back. Or well, Maddie did mostly. So we got him in, and got to meet the little guy. He wasn't older than 7 months, and he was so cute! Darren quickly fell in love with the little guy, eventually he wasn't easy to get in contact with, especially not when Samuel kept trying to touch his face.

So that went well.

Right now, I was sitting in Mia's apartment with her, Maddie, and Dylan who had his arm around Mia. "No, I'm telling you, the Mets rule," he argues, Maddie rolling her eyes.

"Yankees for the win," she just says, her arm crossed over her chest.

"Could you guys just stop talking sports?" Mia whines, Dylan slightly laughing, his fingers playing with hers as he kisses her cheek.

"You really don't know much about sports, do you?"

"I know the basic of a few," she says, and I can see her cheeks heating up.

"You thought Mets was football."

"Mets, Jets, potato, potarto," she just says, waving it off with her hand, making Maddie laugh as she rolls her eyes, looking at Mia.

"It's not potato, potarto-"

"Tomato, tomarto," she then teases, Maddie groans, almost giving up.

"It's two different teams, not a vegetable or a root," Maddie says, pointing her finger at Mia, who just laughs, rolling her eyes. That's Maddie, always wanting to be the one who's right. Dylan laughs, slightly biting his nails.

"Dylan, don't bite your nails," Mia teases, taking his arm down from his mouth, making him just look at her.

"Then give me something else to do with my hands and, or mouth," he says, winking at her. This obviously makes little Mia blush like crazy, and I can just see her sink into her spot on the couch. Dylan laughs as he tightens his grip around her, pressing a kiss to her temple. "So, do you guys have any fun stories about Mia?"

"NO!" Mia just says, about to get up to shut us up as Maddie and I smirk at each other. Dylan holds her back though, covering her mouth with his hand.

"Hmmm, where to start?" Maddie laughs. "First of all, she was so fucking polite and adult-ish when she was little. I mean, how many seven year old's do you see shaking hands and pretty much bowing and kneeling for other people's parents?"

"And don't even get started on her parents," I laugh leaning back.

"Oh dear god," Mia says, hiding herself in Dylan's arms, who just smirks widely as he waits for us to continue.

"They were the ones who wanted her to see American Pie because she needed to be more perverted."

"Yup," Mia says. "That's my parents. Another reason why you have yet to meet, because they're freaking embarrassing."

"I love your parents," Maddie laughs, leaning back. "I've always loves how carefree they are with a lot of stuff. Like that one time where we literally talked about how you had played never have I ever with my cousin."

"What about the time where she made out with your cousin?"

"Guuuuuuys," Mia just says, taking a pillow to hide herself with, while Dylan just looks like he would want to write this down.

"I just have to know one thing," Dylan says, laughing. "Is your cousin a girl or a boy?"

"OH MY GOD!" Mia exclaims, while Maddie literally falls down from her chair in laughter, me also having to wipe away the tears of laughter. "He's a boy! He's a boy!" Dylan throws his head back in laughter before he pecks her cheek.

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