Chapter 39

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I woke up the next day, my legs intertwined with Michaels, as he was spooning me from behind, his arm around my waist and I could feel his breath hitting my neck. I hear him hum a bit as he sits up. I hadn't been drinking much yesterday, but I still had bit of a headache. Michael's hand is still resting a bit on my waist as he gets off the bed. I turn to look at him, seeing as he looks back at me. "Morning," he smiles at me. I smile back, sitting up.

"Morning," I say, yawning as I get off the bed. As always, I had slept in one of Michael's shirts. I stand up, walking over to Michael who studies my face as I wrap my arms around his waist. "Happy birthday," I smile, him laughing a bit.

"I almost forgot that," he admits, pecking my lips. "Thanks, babe." We both make our way out to the couches, where Luke and Maddie was cuddling, Mia on the other couch. I make my way beside her, snaking my arm around her as she laughs. Maddie was lying in Luke's shirt, him shirtless as she lets her fingers slide up his chest and down his stomach again. Luke was watching her every move, but something was obviously bothering him.

"Has anything gone on between you and Marcus?" Luke then speaks, making Maddie slightly sit up as she looks at him.

"Excuse me?" she says, Luke sighing.

"Has anything gone on between you and Marcus?" Maddie stares at him, before quickly looking at us, then him again.

"What have those two told you?" she asks, still looking at Luke.

"That he went to the same school as Mia, and that he's known you longer than Mia, and that you're so close that you've been on family trips together. I just want to know." Maddie looks at us, grabbing a pillow.

"I can't believe you guys!" she laughs, throwing the pillow at Mia and me, who are just laughing our asses off as we catch it, Luke now sitting half up, looking lost as ever. Maddie laughs as she turns back to him, still laughing. "I've known Marcus since I was born, simply because he's my cousin," she laughs, Luke's face being priceless. His eyes had slightly widened, his jaw slightly dropping.

"Well, then the family trips make sense," he laughs, embarrassingly scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, I just got a little jealous." Maddie laughs, rolling her eyes at him. I giggle a bit, taking a hand through my hair.

"It's okay. But sometimes I wonder if he really is in my family. I mean, he doesn't have the family nose and his sister is a vegetarian."

"You and your meat," Luke laughs, pulling her in to kiss her lips quickly.

"Well, I hate to do this, but I do have a place to go to," I admit, looking at Michael.

"Oh yeah, you're here on business," Michael sighs as he stands up. "When are you off, do you know that?"

"I think around four o'clock," I tell him.

"Okay, so I'll pick you up then and we can go around town and stuff okay?" I nod, pecking his lips.

"Yeah, okay. And tomorrow is the show, I'm sure I can save you a seat if you want to come."

"Having an excuse to stare at you? I'm not complaining," he speaks, kissing my lips. "I'll see you later." I peck his lips once more, before quickly changing and making my way outside where a cap was already waiting for me. My boss had given me this card, so when I arrived, I could just show that to them and they would let me inside. I arrived, it being bigger than I thought. I smile as I walk around, soon finding the designer.

"Uhmm, hi, I'm Eleanor Green-"

"Oh yeah!" he says, waving his arms excitedly. Just by that I could tell he's gay, which makes me miss Darren. "Oh, my, you're even more beautiful than Barbara told me!" he exclaims, and it takes me a few seconds before I realize he's talking about my boss.

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