Chapter 24

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"So, that's how I think we should do it," I finish, looking at Luke.

"Weren't you the one to tell me to leave this out of my friendship with Maddie?" he asks, crossing his arms.

"Hey, I'm tired of her being mad at me, it has been almost three weeks. Plus, you want to be with her right? Right now, the only thing between you guys is her cheating boyfriend."

"So, you want me to hang out with her like nothing is going on but being prepared to suddenly drive off to his apartment?" he asks, me nodding. Hopefully, Jack would take Maddie hanging out with someone else as a pass to go fuck that girl. "Fine. If it means that Maddie ends things with him." I smile as Luke stands up, looking at his watch.

He says goodbye, making his way out of the boys' place. Michael looks at me, which I can see from the corner of my eye. Me, myself, I'm looking down at my hands. Why did everything suddenly get so complicated? If she had just believed me we would be friends now, me after a few days letting her cry her heart out on Luke instead who would pick up the pieces.

Of course that wasn't the deal, and right now I don't care if we become friends, if she'll end up with Luke. Right now, I just don't want her to be in a relationship where she's cheated on.

A few hours later, I sat outside Jack's apartment in my car, playing Flappy Bird. I hated this game, yet I found myself playing it again and again. Fuck me.

Michael had some things he had to do since he had been spending so much time with me, calming me down (I was actually the one convincing him to go, he wanted to be here when we caught Jack).

The sight of two people walking down the street made me look up. It was Jack with his arm around the blonde's shoulder, kissing her cheek all the time, her hand on his ass. As they made their way inside, I took up my phone, dialing Luke's number as my eyes are like glued to the door. "Hey Ash what's up?" Luke says, empathizing the word "Ash" and I get the message.

"They just went inside," is the only thing I can manage to say without my voice cracking. But if I had to explain anything further, I would break.

"Okay, I'll be right there, just have to drop Maddie off," Luke pretends that he's still talking to Ashton as he hangs up.

Luke's POV

To say that I felt bad was sugarcoating it. I felt awful, Maddie and I had the best day we could have (as friends). I had explained to her that I had nothing to do with Eleanor's "lie" about Jack, and she believed me, thank god, although she swore if I tricked her into meeting Eleanor, she would cut my balls off. Kind of scary if you ask me.

We were currently on our way, Maddie thinking I would drop her off at her house, but I was heading for Jack's apartment. Hopefully she'll go up there and learn the truth, 'cause that's what she deserves. I don't care if I'll end up with her as long as she doesn't end up with someone who cheats.

Maddie is currently looking out the window, oblivion to what is going to happen. I can't believe anyone would cheat on her, I mean, if I was that lucky person to be with her, I would never cheat on her, I would treat her like a princess, making sure she knew I would never hurt her, that she is the only one for me.

I'm not scared to admit that I love her. I've known that for a while now. "Luke what are-" Maddie starts as I stop out in front of the building.

"Eleanor is telling the truth, Maddie," I tell her, making her look at me confused at first, then leaning back with annoyance in her movements.

"Cut it out, Luke," she spits, making me look down.

"Look, Eleanor is your best friend, she would never do such thing to hurt you. I hate to be in this, but I care too much to not. She's been watching Jack, saw him going inside just ten minutes ago with some blonde girl while they were kissing." She looks at me, I know she has a hard time believing me, but the possibility is there. "I don't know what makes you think Eleanor would lie to you, but maybe you have a reason. But why would I lie to you?"

Don't Stop | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now