Chapter 40

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I had to get up early on the 21st, which was hard since Michael and I had gotten home late. And after that, there was the birthday sex, obviously. I don't even know when we went to sleep, but I had to get up at 6. Michael's arms were wrapped around me, him once again spooning me as he buries his head in my hair. His arms were locked around my waist, and I used the first five minutes to make myself remove my body from his warm one and get up in the room that felt so cold. The next five minutes got spend on trying to get his arms removed from me without waking him up

When I had finally stood up and taken on my clothes, which consisted of just a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt with a sweatshirt over, I stood and looked at Michael a bit. With him being on tour, I didn't see him much, so seeing him sleeping peacefully with his lips slightly parted was nice. It was an excuse for me to slightly stare. After I had gotten up, Michael had taken over all of the bed, his legs spread on their own side of the bed, him hugging the pillow his head was laying on.

I sigh, letting my hand go through his hair. I wanted to wake him up to tell him I was going now, just to hear his sexy morning voice telling me that he loves me, but he was probably more exhausted than me, since they always went up at even earlier, so getting to sleep in was important for them. "Love you," I say, kissing his forehead, before making my way out. I quickly get a cap, getting over there.



A few hours later, people started filling in. The designer was overexcited about that there would be world-famous celebrities, because he wasn't big enough to have it on TV and have big celebrities at his show. This would help his career. I smile, seeing as the guys and Maddie came in. They weren't exactly dressed up like the others, but they were dressed up. Calum was probably the one looking most dressed up with his suit jacket, although he wore black jeans like the others. Michael had taken the same dress shirt on he wore in Paris. Luke was wearing a black and red check shirt, his hand never leaving Maddie's hand, who was wearing black skinny jeans and a black tank top with a leather jacket on. Ashton was wearing a grey t-shirt and a black blazer and a red bandana. Michael looks over, catching my eyes which make him smile and wave. I wave back, before someone calls my name.

During the show, every time I went out, the first thing I did was to catch Michael's eyes, just to see his expression. It would always be priceless, which always made me slightly smirk and turn away. He would try and catch my eyes the rest of my walk. After the show, I had gone out where they were standing. "Hey," I say as I approach them. Michael smiles, kissing my lips.

"El, you looked great up there," Maddie says, Luke's arm around her. She was now having the jacket over her arm and one of Luke's other check shirts. She would always wear his clothes, it was a new thing that he was wearing it as well.

"Thanks," I say, Michael wrapping his arm around me. "Thanks for being here."

"Of course. It's kind of cool, although I feel kind of misplaced," Ashton says, looking around. "We're punk rock, we don't really go to these things that often."

"You will never be true punk rock," Maddie laughs, Luke raising an eyebrow at her.

"And why is that."

"You wear a freaking pink skirt at times, and you mean to tell me that's punk rock?"

"I'm a 100 percent punk rock, babe. I will always be." Maddie rolls her eyes, and I know she's just teasing Luke. He knows this, which is good. I can't imagine if Maddie ended up with someone who wouldn't understand her sick humor. The other way around with Luke, or any of these guys for that matter.

"Sure," she laughs sarcastic. He kisses her temple and she giggles slightly. I then feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see the designer.

"Oh! Guys, this is the designer for tonight," I smile, stepping aside to let him stand in our little circle.

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