Book 5: Chapter 14

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"I don't even know why," Blaise shrugged, raising his wand towards Finley who already had hers ready to shoot spells.

"Ready to get pummelled then, brother?" Finley taunted, gripping her wand properly, after all, it was the once chance they get to actually use duelling magic without Umbridge detecting. Blaise grinned, never really had the interest in duelling, but this was Finley and honestly speaking, she was a great dueller.

"You're on, sister."

The first defence meeting finished later than expected, they all decided to at least meet once or thrice a week without disturbing the quidditch practices. Finally agreeing that houses would be paired and be in shifts in the first two meetings of the week and with everyone present in the final evening. It wouldn't be that hard considering that the Headboy, Cedric, and a number of prefects were on their side.

"Pick a popsicle stick," Finley rolled her eyes at the four house prefects. There was Hermione who looked skeptical at the other three prefects. Next to her was Ernie MacMillan, then Anthony Goldstein, and finally Draco Malfoy who wasn't at all thrilled to be picking house pairs. Four prefects holding their chosen popsicle sticks, raising them in sync. Hermione held a green ended stick, Draco held a red, and nothing else was to be discussed by then because it was clear who were going to pair.

"Nice work, Hermione," Ron groaned in distaste, earning a smack on the head from Harry who gave him a warning look.

There are two scenarios coming out of this classes that are being brought up, one was that the Gryffindors and Slytherins would learn to trust each other? Or that the two rivalling houses be in an even deeper rivalry hole than they initially were.

With Harry and the other students left, Finley sat in front of the fire place and sighed. The place she wished no one could find was compromised, and it was upsetting that it was being used for something that wasn't relaxing. There was no record player in the corner, there was no table with a cake and a glass rose. There was only defence equipment that she and the others were going to use to be able to defend themselves.

She was going to miss this room, clearly she was going to since she wasn't the only one who knew about if, not anymore.

"It's almost past curfew," a voice said from behind her.

"Are you going to write me detention, good sir?" Finley mocked Draco playfully. "Because if you are, I'll do your Divination homework for a month if you don't," she bargained.

"Tempting, but no," Draco tells her, grabbing her ungloved hand, pulling her up from the floor. "You've been pulling all nighters in the common room for whatever reason, I'm taking you back to sleep."

Finley scrunched her nose, reminding her that she went back to her old habits of not sleeping, not that she choose to do so. She has accepted her other selves that lived in her head, she still had night terrors, but over all, she just blames the circumstance of Sir No McNose being out on the streets gathering his dark forces. She's on constant alert, it wouldn't be so if she wasn't killed last year, after all Hogwarts was suppose to be the safest place. Not anymore.

"Fine," Finley grumbled, walking ahead from him slightly as they exited the room of requirement, staying as quiet as possible knowing well that Filch would be lurking in the corridors at this time. Along the way, they allowed themselves to be wrapped in a comfortable silence, not that they could talk freely in the quiet halls, they'd be caught for sure.

"I wished Longbottom didn't find the room to be honest," Draco finally spoke, gaining the damn courage to look at Finley who turned to him with her undivided attention. "Because if he didn't then maybe we would be in there—"

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