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Caroline's POV
I woke up and put on my strapless red dress with my black leather jacket and my heels. I then went down the hallway and down the stairs. I went to the kitchen, and seen Klaus sitting there. I guess Bekah and Davina aren't up. I got some coffee and some pancakes. I then sat down beside Klaus.

He said, " How about I take you out tonight, love?"

I said, " Sure. What about Bekah and Davina? I'm guessing you still don't want to tell them."

He smirked and said, " I have someone that can distract them both for a while."

I said, " Who is this someone?"

He said, " He is an old friend."

I nodded and kissed him. We then heard giggling and pulled apart. I looked down and at my pancakes. A minute later, Bekah and Davina walked in the kitchen. Davina looked at me and smirked. Bekah said, " Morning, Brother, Caroline. How long were you up, Care?"

I said, " I have been up for like ten minutes."

She nodded and then got some coffee. Klaus said, " Alright. I will leave you girls alone. Bye, Davina, Caroline and Bekah."

Bekah said, " Where are you going, Nik?"

He said, " I'm going to see An old friend. Why?"

She said, " Well, we were going shopping and could use some more help carrying our bags."

He said, " Nice try! I hate shopping with you Beks. Plus, you come home with at least 15 bags for yourself, no one knows how much bags you all three have. I'm not ever going shopping with you."

He then walked out. Bekah huffed and said, " Alright, well after breakfast. We can go shopping."

I nodded and then we ate breakfast.

Klaus's POV
I walked out of the compound and walked across the street to, ' Rousseau's'. That is where he always is. I walked in and went to the bar. I got a bourbon, and then he walked over to me. He said, " Niklaus Mikaelson, Back so soon?"

I smirked and said, " Well, what can I say I love this city!"

He said, " What did your parents do now? We all know that when you come here, then there is something wrong. Last time was you came here trying to get over your feelings for a girl, you are protecting."

Of course, he knew I would only come here, if something bad happened and try and cheer myself up. He is my only friend that knows what my family does. He helps sometimes, with the people we try to get rid of. I said, " Well, Marcellus, my parents sent Bekah and Caroline here for their graduation present. Davina is also here. I came because I am supposed to make sure no harm comes to Caroline. My family is dealing with the threat to her, as we speak. By the end of this week, the threat should be eliminated."

He said, " Ah. So, what do you need me for?"

I said, " You're smarter than you look. I need you to distract Bekah and Davina for a couple hours."

He said, " What will you be doing?"

I said, " I would like to take Caroline on a date, tonight. But I need someone to distract Bekah and Davina, and keep them occupied. Since I can't have my family knowing about me and Caroline."

He said, " I thought when you left here, you were finally over that girl."

I said, " I never truly was, over her. The reason I left was to try and take her to prom. But I was late and she went with Kol. Will you help?"

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