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It's drawing closer, the date we have all decided on.
The day we go back to Oz.
Set the record straight.
I don't think Nessa is ready, I don't think any of us are truly ready, though Fiyero is hopeful.
I walk from out bedroom into the living room where Nessa is sat daintily in a rocking chair, I didn't put her there so I'm assuming Fiyero did.
I smile at her, her eyes light up when she sees me.
"Elphie," Nessa says cheerfully, "I thought you were practically hibernating"
I chuckle at Nessas tone, she's right, I've been in bed all morning.
Usually I wake up first and await Nessa wanting to get up but my mind has been leading me to think for hours at a time and not be able to move until the thought is over with.
"I'm assuming Fiyeros not here,"
Nessa shakes her head,
"He's gone Apple picking," she says, gesturing towards the door, "he's worried about going back too you know."
I walk over and sit on a stool beside Nessa,
"Are you?" I ask curiously,
Nessa looks sad all of a sudden,
"Of course I am, I'm going to look the people in the eye that I failed to lead and expect them to forgive me"
I nod, I understand that is is going to be hard for her, it's going to be hard for all of us.
But I won't have our names being used as a story to scare young children into behaving.
"Elphie, how are we going go get there?" Nessa asks, she puts a hand up to her hair and pulls out the hair band holding it together, her silky brown hair flows down her shoulders,
"We're going to..." I pause for a moment, I don't want to use a spell because spells are what got Oz to hate me in the first place and I don't want to say walk for obvious reasons.
"Walk?" Nessa asks, I breathe a deep sigh of relief, "this is going to sound stupid but we could take me there in the wheelbarrow"
It's not a bad idea but I still chuckle slightly,
"I suppose Fiyero wouldn't mind pushing it,"
Nessa smiles at the idea too,
"Well at least I can't look threatening if I'm inside a wheelbarrow" Nessa chuckles emptily to herself.

The door to our cottage opens slowly, Fiyero walks in carrying a basket full of apples, he tips his hat to us and walks into the kitchen, tossing Nessa an apple on the way in.
She grins and me and bites into it.
After a while Fiyero emerges from the kitchen and sits crossed legged on the floor in front of both of us, he wipes a burlap hand across his face.
"So Fiyero," Nessa says, "I was thinking that when we go back to Oz you could take me there in our Wheelbarrow"
Fiyero sticks a thumbs up at Nessa, who smiles childishly at him.
He's always been so good with Nessa.
I lean over and kiss him softly on his rough cheek.
"Lucky me," he says impishly, "you know Nessa, that wheelbarrow idea isn't half bad"
Nessa grins and takes a final bite of her apple before throwing it quite impressively across the room and into the bin.
"We could put a pillow and a blanket in it and you could sleep on the way if you felt like it" Fiyero suggests,
I look over at Nessa, who seems very keen on the idea,
"Sounds wonderful" she gushes.
"Did you know I used to push you around in our wheelbarrow ness?" I look over to her, "you where only around four but you used to love it"
Nessa looks sad all of a sudden, she wipes her eyes and smiles
"Sounds like fun."

Fiyero stands up and looks and me and Nessa,
"I think I'm going off for an early sleep before we head off in the morning, do you want to go to bed now Nessa or wait a bit?"
Nessa looks over at me, as if she wants to see if I approve or not, I smile.
"I think I'll stay up for a bit, if you don't mind," she said politely.
I stand up and lean into Fiyeros embrace untill he let's go and saunters over into our bedroom.

I sit back down on my stool and look over at Nessa, who is playing with her hair.
Winding it round her finger and letting it bounce off in a little ringlet.
Nessas hair is loves and manageable, whilst mine is long and hard to brush.
"Elphie, what if they don't like us?"
"Then I'll use magic to protect this family" I say solemnly, I really don't want to use any spells but if I have to I will.
"I wonder if Glinda is still there" I say to no one in particular,
"Glinda..." Nessa mumbles, "I miss her."
Nessa loved Glinda, I never told her that it was Glinda who gave the idea to use Nessas death as a trap to catch me, i already spoiled Nessas opinion of father, I don't want to ruin Glinda for her.
"She thinks we're dead doesn't she?" Nessa asks,
"Yes ness, so hopefully it's a nice surprise that we're not" I reply.
Nessa ties her hair back up swiftly,
"I think I'm ready to go to bed now"
I nod and scoop her up in my arms.
I walk steadily over to our spare room.
Nessa really isn't heavy at all so I don't find it hard.
I lay her down onto the bed as gently as a I can.
"See you tomorrow ness, sleep well"
Nessa smiles up at me.
It almost feels like we're kids again.
I creep out of the room and sit in the lounge.
I hope everything goes well.
It would be such a shame if the arrogance of a few people ruins what I hope to be a lovely reunion with Glinda.
I hope everything goes well.

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