↳ 𝙤𝙬𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨

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AFTER BUYING ALL OF THE SCHOOL SUPPLIES THEY NEEDED, HAGRID, LEO AND HARRY WALKED DOWN THE ROAD. Harry read off the list once more. "We still need a wand." He told Hagrid as Leo's face lit up at the word. "A wand? You want to go to Ollivanders. There ain't no place better." He advised the duo. Leo nodded excitedly as Hagrid continued, "Run along there and wait. I got one more thing to do. I won't be long." He took Leo's boxes of supplies as he dragged Harry towards the shop, Hagrid smiling at him. Harry opened the door, the bell twinkling as Leo looked around.

No one seems to be there as Harry called out. "Hello?" He walked up to the desk, looking at stacked boxes all around. Leo called out again as Harry got no answer in return. "Hello?" He called louder. A fairly old man on a moving ladder slid down and looked at the two in shock. Both boys looked towards Ollivander who smiled suddenly. "I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr Potter!" He exclaimed, Leo looking to Harry in confusion. "You too, Mr Black!" He added, even more excited that they are both here at the same time. Leo looked back at him in a flash and waved awkwardly.

Ollivander walked down the ladder and scanned over some of the boxes, wiggling his fingers. "It seems only yesterday that both of your parents were in here buying their first wands." He told them, focusing on the boxes. He found one and walked over to Harry and placed the box in front of him. "Here we are." He took the wand out and gently gave it to Harry. The boy the wand and kept it still, looking to Leo in confusion as Leo didn't help at all. "Well, give it a wave!" Ollivander told him after a while as he quickly did as told, the boxes flew from the stack as he did. Leo yelped and covered his mouth, holding onto Harry in shock.

The boy placed the wand back on the table carefully as Leo let go of him. "I wonder," Ollivander walked over with another box, a thick layer of dust over it. He gave Harry the wand as he did another wave with it. Leo stood back as a gold aura surrounded the boy and his hair flew back because of the wind. Ollivander stared at the boy in confusion. "Curious! Very curious..." He looked around, amazed. "What's curious?" Leo asked him as he walked over to the two, staring at Harry's wand in caution. "I remember every wand I've sold, Mr Potter. It so happens that the phoenix, who's tail-feather resides in your wand... gave another feather." He explained.

Leo looked at Harry in amazement as Ollivander continued. "Just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar." He finished, pointing to the 'Z' scar on the boys forehead. Leo's mouth opened in shock, "Wicked." He spoke accidentally, not realising. "Who owned that wand?" Harry asked curiously. "We do not speak his name." He told the two. Before Harry could ask anymore questions, Leo spoke up. "Sorry to interupt," He started, raising his hand, "Do I have a wand?" He questioned Ollivander as the man's mood changed in a flash.

A bright smile washed over his face as he ran up the stairs. Harry looked towards Leo in frustration. "What was that?" He questioned, mad he didn't find out who gave him his scar. "Just ask Hagrid later, I want a wand." He answered simply as Harry sighed, Ollivander running down the stairs with a box in his arms, this one with a thick layer of dust on it too, handling it too carefully. "Here!" He hurriedly opened the box to reveal a light grey, fairly long wand with slight bends. He quickly but gently placed it in Leo's hand as he observed its twig-like structure. The boy looked at the wand and gave it a tiny wave, nothing happening. "Wait." Ollivander seemed too excited to see what it would do as red glittery lines shot out from the wand, twirling down the stick and down Leo's arm.

The show seemed to end as red smoke erupted and his hair flew back, similar to Harry's. Ollivander clapped his hands and cheered. "Yes! Willow wood, Dragon heartstring, 10 and a half inches!" He explained the wand too quickly for Leo to understand as a knock was heard on the window. Both of the boys looked back to see Hagrid with two bird cages. One had a white owl with black spots and Leo's face lit up as he looked to the second cage. The owl from earlier was sat there, his yellow eyes rapidly looking around the new environment. Leo quickly turned and asked how much the wands cost. Ollivander pointed to Harry's and told him the price, the boy putting the amount on the table.

"What about mine?" Leo asked as Ollivander didn't say his wand's price. "Oh you don't have to pay at all, dear boy." He laughed, Harry looking to Leo in shock. Leo's eyebrows raised and he put two galleons on the table anyway. "I feel awkward taking this for free." He mumbled, grabbing Harry's shoulder and shouting bye to Ollivander quite loud, the man's gaze set on the two coins, a small smile on his face.


BACK AT THE LEAKY CAULDRON, LEO WAS SCOFFING DOWN HIS SOUP, TALKING TO HIS OWL AND THINKING OF NAMES. "Night? No. Smokey?" The owl seemed to be displeased from the boys name suggestions." Why don't you tell me a name then? Huh?" He pointed his spoon at the cage, the owl letting out a small, offended, hoot. Across from them, Harry, who was picking at his food. Hagrid sat at the end of the table in-between the two contrasting boys, concerned for the latter. "You alright, Harry? You seem very quiet." He asked, Leo and his owl looking towards them. "He killed my parents didn't he?" Harry spoke for the first time after Ollivanders, catching Hagrid off guard.

"He gave me this," Harry pointed to his scar as Hagrid looked down. "You know, Hagrid. I know you do." He continued as the man sighs, dropping his spoon in his bowl and looking to the boy, Leo looking to his owl then back, curious for Hagrid's answer. "First, understand this, because it's very important, not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad, a few years ago, there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. His name was..." He started, stuttering at the name.

"Why don't you write it down?" Harry suggested, eager to find out the wizard. Hagrid shook his head, "No, I can't spell it." He admitted, looking around before leaning forward, now speaking in a hushed tone. "Alright, Voldemort." He whispered, Leo's face scrunching up. "I could not spell that." He said out of the blue. Harry, not listening to the boy, questioned further. "Voldemort?" He repeated, Hagrid looking to him alarmed. "Keep your voice down!" He scolded him, the boy and Leo looking around furiously, checking if anyone heard him. "It was dark times, you two, dark times." He looked to both Harry and Leo.

"Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought them over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him, Harry, but nobody lived once he decided to kill them. Nobody, except you, Harry." He told the two boys the story, Leo dropping his spoon into his empty bowl at the end, astonished. "Me? Voldemort tried to kill me?" Harry questioned, shocked. "Yes! That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry. A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse, and an evil curse at that." He told Harry as Leo looked to his owl, still gobsmacked. "What happened to my parents?" Leo spoke up, Hagrid looking towards him.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that, Leo..." Hagrid said, not wanting him to know his Father was a mass murderer. Leo looked down as Harry looked at him in empathy. "What happened to You-know-who?" He asked, wanting to change the subject. "Well, some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion." He started, Leo looking up again.  "Nope. I reckon he's out there still, too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night, Harry. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived." He told Harry as Leo gave his owl, still unamed, some unbuttered bread.

Authors note:

[1467 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!


𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon