↳ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙜 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝

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Leo walked in between the Weasley twins as the Gryffindor Quidditch team marched towards the pitch, equipment in hand. Leo stood between the two again but behind Oliver and Harry, waiting for the door to open. "Scared, Harry? Scared too, Black?" Oliver asked, turning to the boy behind him. "A little." "Not at all!" Harry said, followed by Leo, the former staring at the boy shocked he isn't scared at all. Fred hits the boy's shoulder and holds his fist out, Leo smiling excitedly and bumping fists with the older boy, doing their special handshake. Fred and Leo kind of clicked as soon as they saw each other. No one knew why, but they had handshakes and nicknames for each other.

"That's alright. I felt the same before my first game." Oliver comforted Harry, ignoring the two. Harry turned to Oliver curiously. "What happened?" He asks, the older boy's eyebrows knotting up." I don't remember actually. I took a bludger to the head two minutes in. Woke up in hospital a week later." He said, not looking at Harry, the boy now even more worried than before. The door opens finally, the cheering increases as the Gryffindor team fly out proudly, Leo squealing with joy in his head. He flies next to Harry, the boy not as nervous as he was two seconds ago. The teams, Gryffindor and Slytherin, both fly laps around the pitch as Lee Jordan presents.

All the Gryffindors cheer for Leo as he flies by them, Hagrid smiling at him as he zooms by. All of the Slytherin team, except the seekers, gather around on half of the middle circle as the Gryffindors take up the other half. Leo and Harry go on each side of their team, higher up, the Slytherin seekers doing the same. Madam Hooch marches to the middle of the circle, shouting the rules. "Now, I want a nice, clean game. From all of you!" She exclaims, kicking the chest as all the balls fly up from it. "The bludgers are up! Followed by the Golden Snitch!" Lee shouts, everyone cheering once more.

The Snitch teasingly flies around the four seekers, them keeping their eyes on it the whole time as it flies away. Madam Hooch picks up the quaffle, walking to the middle of the circle. She chucks it up, Lee starting the game as the players all rapidly fly to get the ball. Leo instantly flies up, doing circles as the Slytherin team start cheating. Leo's face lights up as he sees Angelina Johnson score, cheering for her as he focuses back on the game. Leo's face scrunches up in anger when he sees two Slytherins, one being the Captain, Marcus Flint, squash Angelina and direct her towards one of the stands, her falling all the way down inside it as they take the quaffle.

Leo sees the snitch circling the ground and dives for it, Hermione jumping at his sudden movement, nudging Ron. "Look!" She exclaims, pointing to Leo as Neville, Dean and Seamus follow her finger. They all cheer for Leo as he dives even closer to the ground. The boy stops diving immediately when his broom starts jolting violently, him doing a front flip with his broom to stop him from injuring himself. Harry sees him jolting around the pitch floor out of control and instantly goes to help the boy, offering for Leo to go on his broom.

However, before he could get any closer than two feet, Leo's broom flew up as high as the teacher's stand, as if trying to avoid Harry. Hermione, Ron, Seamus, Dean and Neville saw this and alert Hagrid. The man looks to Hermione and questions them. "What's going on with Leo's broomstick?" He asks, no one answering. Now, the crowd has seen Leo flying rapidly up and down, pointing to him in concern, Dumbledore scanning any culprits. Hermione takes out huge binoculars and zooms in on Snape, seeing him muttering incoherent words and staring at the boy on the broom. She takes the binoculars off, an angry look plastered over her features.

"It's Snape! He's jinxing the broom!" She exclaims, moving to Ron, the boy looking clueless. "Jinxing the broom?! What do we do?" He shouts as Hermione hands him the binoculars. "Leave it to me!" She tells him, taking out her wand and scurrying away, towards Snape. Ron puts the binoculars to his eyes and sees Leo's broom, jumping when his broom spins more and more, the boy now holding on with one hand, dangling. Leo's head injury was getting worse with all the spinning his broom was doing. The dizziness and throbbing in his head got to the boy as he started to pass out, still conscious though, his hands slipping off his broom. Harry saw this and charged for the boy who was really high up and about to fall to his death.

The broom goes higher and higher, the boy loosing all consciousness. As the broom suddenly stops, dropping slightly, Leo slides off the broom and falls as the crowd gasping as McGonagall stood up. The boy was falling too fast for Harry to reach him. However, as soon Leo was past the hoops, Harry took his chance and stopped diving, scooping the unconscious boy up. All of the crowd sighed in relief, including the Gryffindor team as Harry put Leo comfortably on the back of his broom. Harry had no time to put Leo down as the snitch was right in front of him.

Knowing Leo would do the same thing, Harry put the boys arms underneath his, holding them with his forehands with his hands on his own broom. He shot through the Slytherin team for the snitch as Hermione and Ron looked shocked at the boy's action. "What is Harry doing!?" Hagrid exclaimed, finding the boy's plan absolutely ridiculous. Harry started to knock one of the Slytherin seekers, the boy turning to him angrily. Seeing Leo on his back, the boy smirked and hit Leo, the boy's head lolling to the side as Harry took his focus off the snitch and redirected his focus to his best friend, losing the snitch.

Fortunately, a bludger hit the Slytherin's head, his house gasping as he fell down, as knocked out as Leo was. McGonagall and Snape kept their eyes on Harry and Leo as the former found the snitch again. Harry ducked down on his broom, Leo obviously following as they gained more speed. Harry stuck his arm out to catch the snitch, not realising he was also releasing Leo's arm. The scarred boy got to close to the ground sub-consciously, the tip of his broom hitting off the grass, Harry falling forward as Leo rolled a couple centimetres forward from him.

Everyone went quiet as the still conscious boy stood up, holding his stomach, looking as if he was about to throw up. The Professors, including Hagrid, looked at him in concern, McGonagall keeping her eyes on Leo, the boy stirring and his face scrunching up. Ron and Hermione gagged until Harry seemed to 'throw up' the snitch. "He's got the snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee Jordan shouts, the crowd's cheering loudens tremendously as Leo sits up, bringing his knees to his chest, hiding his head. The cheering and Madame Hooch's whistle were not helping the migraine he had and all the Gryffindor's ran down towards Harry.

McGonagall instantly ran towards Leo, the boy with tears down his face as he held his ears. The woman's mood saddened as she saw the state of him. Harry, Ron and Hermione ran up to the two as the Gryffindor house walked back to school. The three saw McGonagall help the boy up, him swaying and sniffling. "Are you alright, dear?" She quickly asks, kneeling in front of him and holding his shoulders. Leo doesn't respond as he starts repeating the same action that Harry did earlier, McGonagall quickly moving to beside him. Snape watched intently as the boy used certain characteristics.

Hermione, Ron and Harry watched the boy throw up an unusually large amount of sick, the former looking away and holding her hand in front of her face. When the boy stopped finally, he turned to McGonagall, sniffling and holding his stomach.


Author's note:

Well this might be the quickest chapter I've ever wrote!
Thought it'd be fun for Leo and Harry to share Quidditch because I'm uncreative.
[1418 words]
Hope you enjoyed!!


𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now