↳𝙂𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙩?

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"Tell me," Arthur Weasley started, leaning over the table. "What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" He asked, Leo's face scrunching up in confusion. "I genuinely haven't a clue, sir." He spoke honestly, shrugging and going back to his food as Arthur turned to Harry, the boy stuttering random words. "I suppose he doesn't know either." Leo joked before an owl screeched outside. "Oh, that'll be Errol with the post." Molly Weasley said, Errol smashing into the closed window next to the open one. Everyone winced as Molly told Percy to grab the letter. He did as told as Leo looked at Ron, confused about the boy's family owl. "He's always doing that." Ron told him and Harry. "Oh, look, it's our Hogwarts letters."

Everyone looked at Percy as he continued. "They've sent us Leo's and Harry's too." He said, giving the two boys their letters as Fred and George spoke to Molly about prices. "The spell books are very expensive." Fred told her, the woman taking Harry's list. "We'll manage. There's only one place we're going to get all of this. Diagon Alley." She told them, everyone getting up and dressed.


Leo and Harry stood side by side, very confused. The children of the group were in their robes and ready to go but what Leo didn't understand is why they were all stood in front of the fireplace, Molly grabbing a rusty plant pot from the side of it. "Right. Here we are, Harry. You go first, Dear." She told him, Harry looking at Ron. "But Harry's never travelled by Floo powder before, Mum. Neither has Leo." He told his Mother, Harry and Leo looking at him. "Floo powder?" They both questioned simultaneously. "Well, you go first, Ron, so that Harry and Leo can see how it's done." Molly urged her youngest son over, Leo patting his back as he walked towards his Mother. He walked into the fireplace and grabbed a handful of the powder, holding it above his head.

"Diagon Alley!" Ron shouted clearly, dropping the powder as green flames swallowed him up, Leo jumping slightly. "You see?" Molly turned to the two boys. "It's quite easy, dear, don't be afraid. Come on." She urged Harry over, him gulping and walking slowly towards the woman. Leo gave him a slight smile and a thumbs up. Molly guided Harry in the fireplace and held the pot up to him, guiding him on how to say Diagon Alley. "Diagonally!" Harry shouted out of nervousness, the same green flames swallowing him up as Arthur and Molly looked at each other, concerned. "Did he just say diagonally?" Leo asked, to which Molly nodded towards him and guiding him towards the fireplace too. "Nevermind! We'll get him when we all get there!" Arthur said, Leo looking shocked that they took it so lightly. He walked into the fireplace and took the handful of floo powder.

"I'll get him!" Leo spoke, getting an unusual wave of confidence as Molly's face dropped. "Wait, dear! You ca-" "Diagonally! Leo cut her off by shouting the same words as Harry did, Fred and George watching as the green flames swallowed Leo up, a smile on each of their faces.


Leo grunted in pain as he slid across the floor harshly. He coughed when some dust and rocks got into his mouth, standing up quickly and looking around. He saw a lot of dusty antiques, them not being cleaned every so often. He kept on pacing around the room when a heavy hand dropped onto his shoulder. He screamed like a girl and turned around, seeing Harry with broken glasses and a metal hand attached to his hand. "What the he-" Leo started, Harry waving his hand around. "Get it off!" He whisper shouted, Leo carefully grabbing onto the metal hand and pulling it as hard as he could. He felt a surge of energy travel through him as the metal hand came off with ease, Harry gaping at him. "You're so weak, Harry." Leo laughed, Harry hitting him as he slowly put the hand back to where he found it.

𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now