↳ 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙙

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Leo sat next to Harry as Hermione, Ron and Harry did their work. Leo, however, as he had done most of his work, kept looking at Ginny, the girl writing in her journal still, sat all alone. "When will Ginny run out of pages in that book?" He asked, still looking at the girl. Ron looked up at the mention of his sister's name and looked at her, shrugging. "I don't know." He gave a simple answer as Leo shook his head, going back to his work. Hermione looked at Harry and saw him looking uncomfortable. "What's wrong, Harry?"

Ron and Leo looked at Harry as he answered. "They're looking." He whispered, turning around, keeping his gaze on someone. Leo turned confused to see two girls turning around, one of them being the girl from McGonagall's class. That particular girl turned back around and waved towards Leo, him not smiling as he shooed her off with his hand, turning back to his friends. He watched as Harry looked at Hermione and Ron, them both smiling awkwardly and carrying on with their work. He looked to Leo as the boy shrugged.

Harry kept on looking around to see everyone in the class staring at him, including Ginny as she closed her journal quickly. "Hey," Leo started, knowing Harry was uncomfortable, "Ignore them." He smiled, Harry not listening and getting up to leave. "I'll see you back in the common room." He told his friends, leaving. Leo slapped his knees as he quickly wrote his last word, giving his finished work to McGonagall without a word, running after the boy.

"I told you to ignore them." Leo told Harry as they both walked to the common room. "You did?" Harry asked as Leo patted his back, smiling. "Oh! Wait!" Leo exclaimed, Harry stopping to look at him. "I needed to see Professor McGonagall for something!" He told Harry, saluting as he ran back in the class.


"Everything's set" Hermione told Harry, Ron and Leo, sitting down with her Christmas dinner. Leo payed no mind to them as he wasn't going to drink the potion and opened his small red present that everyone got. "I've got it all worked out." Hermione told them all, placing two chocolate cupcakes on the table. "I filled these with a sleeping draught. Simple, but powerful." Leo stared at the cupcakes and reached out for one, not listening to Hermione, causing her to slap his arm.

"Now, once they're asleep, hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs. And put on their uniforms." Hermione instructed Harry and Ron, Leo laughing at their reactions. "That's grim." He said, shovelling beef into his mouth. "Who's hair are you ripping out then?!" Ron asked Hermione, her leaning forward in case anyone was to listen. "I've already got mine." She told them, pulling out a tiny clear tube, Leo looking at her disgusted.

"Millicent Bulstrode." She told them, Leo speaking up. "One, who is that?" He pointed at the tube with his fork as everyone looked at him. "And two, I'm eating and everyone knows you can't just randomly pull hairy tubes out when you're eating." He told them, all three of them sighing and blocking him out. "Anyway," Hermione started, "She's a Slytherin. I got these off her robes." She told them, getting up. "I'm going to go check on the polyjuice potion. Make sure Crabbe and Goyle get these." She ordered the two, them nodding.

"So," Leo started when Hermione left. "How are you two going to pull this one off, then?"


"I cannot believe this." Leo groaned from the boys' spot behind the statue outside the Great Hall. "We've been here for ages just because those two gits eat so much." Leo complained, sliding down the back of the staue as neither Ron nor Harry listened. "You don't even understand how much more I could have eaten in this amount of time-" "Shut up!" Ron told him as Leo put his head down, sulking as Ron shook his head, turning around to make the cupcakes float with his broken wand. Harry quickly stopped him and did it instead.

Leo jumped at the sound of two thuds, his head shooting up as he got up, looking to see Crabbe and Goyle sound asleep on the floor. "Oh... my... God." He told the two, them both running to collect their hairs.


"We have exactly an hour before the potions wear out." Hermione told the three, Leo laughing at the oversized Slytherin robes on Harry and Ron, the latter obviously hating it as he shuffled around in discomfort. Hermione gave out the three cups as Leo gagged at the look of them. "Ok, Leo!" Ron turned around quickly, "We get it! You aren't drinking this like we are! Don't go rubbing it in!" He shouted, Leo shutting up immediately.

"Now," Hermione started, turning around with her own cup of the potion, them all adding the hairs. "Er, essence of Crabbe." Ron groaned in disgust as they all counted down, drinking the potion at the same time. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Ron exclaimed, running to one of the cubicles, Hermione doing the same, Leo watched them go and turned to Harry, him still drinking his potion. "Ew, Harry." Leo spoke, Harry feeling dizzy as dropped his glass, leaning on the sink.

"Hey, you okay?" Leo asked, shutting up when he saw Harry's face bubble, transforming into Crabbe. "I..." Leo started, Harry, or so, Crabbe looking at him. Leo's face contorted into disgust as he waved slightly. Leo looked behind him to see Ron, or so, Goyle sighing and looking at Harry, amazed. "Harry?" Ron asked, Leo shaking his head. "Ron?" Harry asked as the two scanned each other. "Leo!" They both turned at the same time towards the boy, Leo backed onto a pillar. "Mm mm" He shook his head, " I hate this." He switched his finger in between the two. "Never do that again."

"Where's Hermione?" Ron asked, the three boys turning to the stall Hermione ran into. "I don't think I'm going." She told them, Leo walking up to the stall door. "What?" He asked her, them looking confused. "Just go one without me." She told Harry and Ron. The two boys looked at Leo as he shrugged. "I'll take care of her. Go, you only have an hour." He told them, them running off.


"Hermione?" Harry knocked on the stalls, Leo sat on the opposite side as he shook his head. Moaning Myrtle flew in between Ron and Harry giggling, Leo looking up. "I told you not to laugh!" He scolded the ghost, her not paying attention to him as she spoke to the other two boys. "Are you okay?" Harry asked as Hermione opened the door. Ron looked at the girl shocked as Harry squinted, not having his glasses on. "Here." Leo gave him his glasses as he put them on, his hands dropping to his sides when he saw Hermione with a cat face and a tail.

"Do you remember me telling you about the human transformations?" Hermione asked, Harry and Ron nodding slowly. "It was cat hair that I plucked. Not Millicent's. Look at my face."


"Nothing in the Prophet, Black?" Bellatix asked the man as he leant to his left, him having to squeeze his writing to the last wall, the one inbetween the two adults. "Not for the past 2 months, I hope he's having a nice Christmas." Sirius seemed to sulk, Bellatrix raising one eyebrow. "Oh, boohoo!" She exclaimed, Sirius grumbling something and going back to his wall of writing. He was almost there as he only needed a way to get his wand.

Bellatrix cackled as she looked through the hole. "How many of those plans have you come up with?" She asked, Sirius looking at her impatiently. "Round about 100." He gave her simple answers as she leaned forward. "No need to be blunt." She told him, a wicked smile suddenly adorning her face. "Say," she started, dragging her long nails across the wall of her cell. "If you do end up finding a way, will you let me escape with you?" She asked, Sirius rolling his eyes as he put his face through the hole, close to hers.

Bellatrix's eyes filled with hope as he smiled, her getting excited from being in her rusty cell for 13 years.


Author's note:

I know this one is short. I've already posted today so Imma post on thursday maybe.
I don't know why but I've woken up this morning feeling very lightheaded and I feel like all this writing is making it a lot worse lol.
[1457 words!]
Hope you enjoyed!!!


𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now