↳ 𝙘𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨

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Hermione, Ron and Harry walked with Hagrid out of the castle, scarves on. They had gone to check on Leo for the second time today, Madame Pomfrey shouting at them and telling them she was re-bandaging Leo's head. She was also making a new potion for the boy, him falling asleep due to how long it was taking. "Nonsense! Why would Snape put a curse on Leo's broom?" Hagrid exclaimed, not believing the three. "Who knows? Why was he passing that three headed dog?" Harry retaliated, questioning the giant further. "Who told you about Fluffy?" Hagrid questioned, turning to the three. "Fluffy?! That thing has a name?" Ron butted in, shocked. '"Well of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish fella I met at the pub." Hagrid informed them.

"I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the..." Hagrid started, stopping. "Yes?" Harry urged the giant, Ron and Hermione snapping their heads to the man. "I shouldn't have said that..." he trailed off, "No more questions! That's top secret." He shouted, Harry speaking up. "But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, that's what Snape wants, he's trying to steal it." "Codswallop!" Hagrid said, not believing them, "Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher." He declared, Hermione interrupting him, defending Leo. "Hogwarts teacher or not. I know a spell when I see one. I've read all about them. You've got to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking." She said, Harry agreeing. Hagrid sighs and instructs them.

"Now you listen to me. All three of you, plus Leo. You four are meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." He shouted slightly, his face dropping at the end. "Nicholas Flamel?" Harry repeated, looking at his two friends. "I shouldn't said that. I shouldn't said that." Hagrid repeated continuously as he walked away from the three, towards his hut. "Who's Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asked Hermione and Ron, the former shrugging.


Hermione walked in the Great Hall, seeing a Professor decorating the tree Hagrid dragged in. She looked to the table to see Ron and Harry playing chess, Leo sat on the table facing Hermione, drinking his potion and eating unknown sweets. She walked up to the three, them not acknowledging her as Harry played his turn. "Knight to E5." He said, Leo urgently looking down to see the Knight move by itself, him still shocked at the game. Ron payed no mind to the boy and scanned the board, his face lighting up. "Queen to E5" He smugly stated, Leo's eyebrows raising. The Queen strolled up to Harry's Knight and whacked him with her chair, knocking him off the board.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione exclaims, Leo jumping. Hermione smiled at the boy as he greeted her louder than usual. "Hermione! Hello, my dear! How are you?" He swirled his finger around, finally pointing at her. "I'm great now, thanks." She laughed, Leo smiling at her goofily before turning back to his sweets.  Hermione turned back to the two other boys and awaited an answer to her earlier comment, Ron answering. "That's wizard chess!" He exclaimed, looking at her trunk. "I see you've packed." He told her, Leo looking up sadly, not wanting her to go. "I see you haven't." She shot back to Ron, not knowing Leo was now upset she's going.

"Change of plan. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Ron told her, the girl nodding and turning to Harry. "Then you can help Harry and Leo. They're going to look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel" She told him, Leo nodding in agreement. "We've looked a hundred times!" Ron exclaimed, Harry agreeing.  Hermione leaned over the table as Leo smiled at her, "Not in the restricted section." She quietly tells them, getting up as if nothing happened. "Happy Christmas!" She told them, walking away. "I think we've had a bad influence on her." Ron told his two friends, Leo not listening as he got off the table, brushing the fallen sugar off of his clothes.

"Au revoir, my friends." Leo told them, picking up his sweets and pushing the empty potion jar to their chess board. "And where are you going?" Harry asked the boy, worried for him as he keeps getting injured. "Well, if you are so urgent to know," Leo started, looking at Ron. "I'm going to hang out with Fred and George. Maybe Lee if he's there."  Ron and Harry stared at him as he ran up to Hermione, shouting. "Wait for me!" He waved his arms, Hermione stopping to wait for him. Harry saw him bow to her as a 'thanks?' as they walked again, together now, laughing. Leo waved as if he were an animated character, turning the corner as Harry and Ron laughed and shook their heads.


"Harry, wake up! You too, Leo!" Ron screamed from downstairs, Leo jolting up as Harry sat up calmly, putting his glasses on. Harry turned to Leo, the boy stretching. "What happened to your hair?" Harry asks, laughing. "Oh this!" Leo pointed to his hair, "Me, Fred and George all dyed our hair, fake obviously. It's now bright red!" He exclaimed, messing with a bit of his red hair. Harry shook his head, both of them walking to the stairs to see Ron. They stood at the stone balcony in the common room to see Ron stood by the tree, a red jumper with his initial in yellow. "Happy Christmas." Ron told the two, them answering simultaneously. "What are you wearing?" Harry asked, Leo pointing to his jumper.

"Oh! My mum made it. Looks like you both've got one two." Ron told them, smiling. Harry and Leo turned to each other in shock. "We have presents?" Leo asked excitedly. "Yeah!" Ron answered back as the two boys ran to the tree, excited. They both ran down the stairs as Ron sat with his open pack of Bertie-botts-every-pack-of-beans. Harry chose one and sat on the large red armchair with it, reading the note it came with. "You Father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it is returned to you. Use it well." He read out, confused. Leo looked up from his present, it being a necklace with a golden key, saying courage in black. From the note, Hermione had the same in silver.

Harry opened the packaging to see a brown cloth, Leo's face scrunching up. "What is that? " Leo asks, Ron nodding as Harry holds it up, standing himself. "Some kind of cloak." He answered, scanning it. "Well, let's see then. Put it on!" Ron exclaimed. Harry did as told and Leo shrieked at him as he did.  "Woah!" Ron shouted, putting his sweets down. "My body's gone!" Harry exclaimed, looking down. "I can see that!" Leo said, grimacing. Ron stood up, "I know what that it. That's an invisibility cloak!" He exclaimed, Leo standing up and circling Harry, poking random places. "They're really rare. I wonder who gave it to you." Ron looked at the note, turning it over.

"There was no name." Harry told Ron, looking into the common room mirror. He laughed as Leo sat behind him, pretending to hold Harry's head.

Author's note:

Why hello there!
I have nothing else to say lol
[1237 words!]
Hope you enjoyed!!!


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