↳ 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙙𝙖𝙙...

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"Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius asked, running towards Remus as Leo speed walked towards Harry and Hermione. Sirius continued to try and aid the man as he painfully transformed into a werewolf, Harry and Hermione picking Ron up. "Expelliarmus!" Leo chanted, Peter's wand flying out of his hand and he sneered at the boy, waving sinisterly. The Golden Quartet watched as Peter transfigured into a rat, running away as Leo sighed, Lupin growling as Hermione pulled Harry back from chasing after Peter.

"Run!" Sirius shouted to the Golden Quartet, Leo standing still as Hermione tugged his arm. "We have to go." She spoke urgently, Harry reluctanly agreeing as Leo shook his head. "I'm not leaving my father, Hermione." Leo shouted over the noise as Hermione stared at the boy in concern. Leo yelped when Remus spread out his werewolf bones, knocking Sirius off the cliff and down the hill. "Wait!" Hermione stopped the four, Ron not trusting the girl at all as she walked over to Lupin. "Professor? Professor Lupin?" Hermione asked before Remus howled, everyone jumping. Leo gathered his friends in a circle for a tiny moment, them greatly confused.

"You're going to be really mad I didn't tell you this but I'll explain when we have free time." Leo spoke, everyone's face scrunching up. "What do you mean?" Harry asked, Leo taking a deep breathe, looking at him as he readied himself to transfigure into an animal. "I told you I'll tell you later, Harry. Lupin won't calm down for us so I have to do this. Go!" Leo spoke, his friend's mouths instantly opening in shock when Leo transfigured into a teen lion, roaring at the Professor. The two made eye contact as the two animals circled each other, growling. "Why did he never tell us?" Ron asked, the high pitch evident as his friends watched speechless.

Hermione was about to answer before Leo pounced on Lupin, everyone jumping as they watched the two animals scratch at each other viciously. Snape walked out of the cave, astounded by the situation. "Where are Mr and Mr Black?" He asked urgently, Harry pointing to Leo as Snape's face dropped. "And the father?" He asked, Hermione answering as Leo whined in pain as Lupin held him down. "He got knocked off there... Professor!" She shouted, Snape quick to turn around to see Lupin slowly walking towards the group. Hermione watched Leo, him on the floor, in pain as he whined, Snape protectively guarding the group of third years.

Lupin scratched at the group, knocking them all off their feet as Sirius, in his animal form, launched himself onto Remus, defending Leo. The two were biting and scratching each other wherever they could, Hermione running up to the lion, kneeling beside it as she petted his head. "Shhh, it's okay, Leo. You'll be okay." The lion seemed to calm down at Hermoine's words, his chest falling smoothly. Everyone watched in terror as Sirius got Lupin's attention, running off as Lupin followed just behind. "Leo!" Hermione shouted, everyone watching as Leo got up slowly, falling slightly. Snape watched astounded as the lion shook his head, his paws glowing as some of his major cuts healed.

The lion wasted no time in chasing the two, Harry getting worried. "Leo!" He screamed, running after the three as Hermione, Ron and Snape forced to stay behind. Harry watched as Lupin threw Sirius to the ground, the dog whining as Leo hid by the trees next to them, ready to pounce. Harry chucked a rock at Lupin's head, the werewolf roaring at him as he walked towards him, Sirius struggling to get up. Leo took his chance as he slowly walked up to Lupin, the man being distracted by a howl from the distance. The werewolf looked over for a moment, Harry watching Leo slowly walk up behind Lupin before he suddenly pounced on the man, sending both animals rolling down the hill.

Harry watched as Sirius waddled away, injured. Harry decided to follow Sirius as they both heard the roars and growls of Leo and Lupin. The boy managed to scratch Lupin's eye, blinding him temporarily before Leo got distracted by seeing Buckbeak in the distance. Lupin took this chance, to launch himself on the boy, Leo growling as Lupin tried to scratch his face, Leo trying to bite off anything he could. Leo heard a thud next to him, looking to see a dead ferret next to the animals. Before he knew it, Lupin was attacked by Buckbeak, the two having another fight as Lupin forgot about Leo. The boy saw light as he tried to run over to the light.

𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora