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Leo and Harry floated side by side opposite Draco, the blond smiling smugly. "Give it here, Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry exclaimed over the wind. Leo stayed silent as Draco spoke. "Is that so?" He replied as Harry went to grab the Remembrall. Leo simply watched as Draco did a full spin on his broom, Harry looking at him slightly shocked. The blond's smile widened as he got another idea. "You really want it? Ok then!" He drops it as Leo barrels down on his broom and caught it as it barely touched the grass.

The class was in awe, not noticing Draco coming in Leo's direction to snatch the ball from him. Leo noticed and chucked the Remembrall towards Harry, the boy still in the air. "Harry!" He screamed, the sphere going near one of the castles windows. Harry sped up and caught it before it could hit and skimmed the window. Little did the two know, McGonagall was watching them both, amazed by both of them. Both Harry and Leo landed together, the whole class running up to them amazed.

"You idiot! " Hermione exclaimed, lightly hitting Leo with her broom. "You could have gotten injured! If a teacher saw that you are going to exp-" "Harry Potter, Leonardo Black!" The class looked to see McGonagall stood before them, Hermione looking at Leo sadly. The three walked in silence as McGonagall led them to a classroom door, knocking twice and opening it. "Can I borrow Wood for a moment please, Professor Quirrell?" She asked, Leo and Harry making eye contact. "Potter, Black, this is Oliver wood" She introduced.

Leo looked up and smiled at the brown haired boy, him looking confused. "Wood, I have found you two new seekers!" She exclaims, Harry and Leo looking at each other in confusion, Oliver's face lighting up. What's a seeker?


"Seekers? But first years never make the team! You two must be the youngest quidditch players in a century!" Ron exclaimed, the three walking out of a classroom, books in hand. "According to McGonagall!" Harry exclaimed. Fred and George showed up at each side of the three. "Well done, Harry!" George patted his shoulder, Fred doing the same for Leo, "You too, Leo!" They both exclaimed together. "Wood's just told us! " They both say simultaneously. "Fred and George are on the team. Beaters." Ron informs the two.

"Our job is to make sure you two don't get bloodied up! Can't make promises of course! Rough game, Quidditch! Brutal!" Fred exclaims, George continuing, "But no ones died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally," Leo tensed up. "They turn up in a month or two!" The both exclaimed, walking away. "Well, that's made me feel better!" Leo shouts slightly, walking off, Harry not far behind as Ron follows. "Come on guys, Quidditch is great! Best game there is! You both'll be great too." Ron motivates them, Harry interrupting "Neither of us have ever even played! What if we make absolute fools of ourselves?" Harry asks, the two looking at Ron.

"You won't. It's in your blood." Hermione says from next to Leo, the boy jumping on Harry. Ron and Harry look towards each other confused but when Hermione walks away, Leo follows immediately, the two sighing and following after them. She took the three to a trophy case and pointed to the one at the bottom, the three leaning in to see. "Woah! You two never told me both your Fathers were seekers too!" Ron exclaims, the trophy shining as two badges were placed next to one another.

Sirius Black & James Potter

"We never knew ourselves." Leo spoke, not taking his eyes off the badge.


The four walked up the staircases, towards the common room, Leo talking to Hermione about Quidditch, the girl giving him pointers out of what she'd learnt from the books she read. Harry and Ron were ahead of the two, chatting. "I'm telling you Harry! It's spooky! She knows more about you and Leo than you two do yourselves!". "Who doesn't?" Harry asked before the staircase roughly moved, the four holding on to the railing, screaming. "What's happening?" Harry asked, scared. "The staircases move, Harry." Leo simply spoke. "Remember?" Hermione assured him as they walked up to another door.

"Before the staircase moves again!" Ron shouted, running towards a dark door, the three running after him. They open the door to see a stone floor, walls and statues all covered in spiderwebs. Leo shivers, not liking the eight legged things. "Does anybody feel like we're not supposed to be here?" Ron questioned. "We're not supposed to be here! It's the third floor! It's forbidden!" Hermione informs the three. Leo looking at her shocked. One of the fires light up, Leo shaking his head. "No, no lets go!" He turns around immediately, now face to face with Filch's cat.

"Run!" Harry exclaimed, the four running the opposite direction from the feline, it running after them. As the four run, each fireplace they run by light up, Leo scared for his life. "Why do they keep doing that!?" He exclaims as no one listens to him, them turning a corner. "Let's hide through that door!" Harry informed, knocking on it and getting no response. He couldn't open the door as the three catch up, "Well, open it!" Leo said impatiently. "It's locked!" Harry shouts at the boy, "We're done for!" Ron exclaims, Hermione pushing through them.

"Oh, move over!" She said, pointing her wand at the door. "Alohomora! " She chants as the door unlocks by itself, Hermione quickly running in first before turning to the boys. "Get in!" She spoke, the boys wasting no time, afraid for their lives. "Filch is gone. Probably thinks this door is locked." She tells them, Leo sighing in relief, sitting down. "This door was locked?" Ron questions, clueless. "And for good reason." Harry simply adds on, the three looking up to see a large sleeping dog, a three headed dog at that. Leo slowly stands up as they all look at the dog, terrified. The dog's eyes slowly open, growling at the four first years.

All four of them scream simultaneously as Leo is the last to get out the door, the dog biting off the end of his robe. "Hey! That was expensive!" He exclaims, the four shutting the door on the dog, Hermione locking it. They all ran, not wanting to deal with the beast anymore.


"What are they doing, keeping a thing like that in school!?" Ron shouts, questioning the group, Hermione answering. "It was standing on a trap door. It's guarding something." She tells him as they walk up the stairs. "Guarding something?" Harry repeated, the girl confirming.

"Now, if you three don't mind, I'm going to bed. Before either of you come up with another idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled." She informed the three, walking away. Leo shrugs as Ron speaks up.

"She needs to sort out her priorities!"

Author's note:

This one is short, sorry.
Also, I know that there isn't two seekers in quidditch, but lets pretend there are for the sake of this book? Please?
[1195 words]
Hope you enjoyed!!


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