↳ 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣

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"10:58. Come on! Come on! Train will be leaving soon!" Arthur called, leading the group of students towards the platform. Leo walked with Harry and Ron as they watched Percy, the twins and Ginny go through the platform. Leo prepared himself as Ron and Harry went together. Leo flinched when he heard the crash of Harry and Ron's trolleys, looking up to see them on a pile before the wall. "Woah." Leo scanned over the wall, pushing his hand through it, failing and hurting it instead, Ron and Harry making a plan. He heard the clock ding and looked to Harry and Ron. "The trains gone!" He told them, Ron's face paling. "If we can't get through, Mum and Dad can't come back!" Ron exclaimed, worried for his parents as Harry spoke up. Maybe we should just go wait by the car." The boy suggested, Leo nodding.

Ron's face lit up as he had an idea. "The car!" The ginger exclaimed, running to gather his items and running away, Harry and Leo following.


"Woah! Okay..." Leo said, steadying himself in the backseat as the Weasley's car rose up in the sky roughly. He looked out the back window to see a lot of people staring in curiosity and shock. "Ron, we should tell you," Leo started as Ron looked back to him. "most muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." He told him as Ron nodded, scared to drive as he pressed a button, the car going invisible. "Cool!" Leo exclaimed as he sat back in his seat, looking at Otis. The owl looked completely secure and not afraid at all, Leo shrugging and looking out the window. The boy stuck his arm out the window and waved, turning to Harry. "Reckon they can see this?" He asked, Ron turning to him. "Yes ! The button makes the car invisible! Not you!" He shouted, Leo yelping and putting his hand back in the car.


The boy's mouth stayed wide as he admired the hills and greenery out the car windows. "Oh no!" Ron started, Leo turning to him. "The invisibility booster must be faulty!" He said, Harry turning to him. "Well, come on then. Let's go lower. We need to find the train." He told Ron, the boy nodding and doing as told. Leo smiled as they landed near the tracks, driving along it as if it were a road. "Now, all we need to do is catch up with the train." Leo spoke simply, Ron shakily agreeing. "We can't be far behind." He said. "Do you hear that?" Harry asked his two best friends as they heard a train hoot but saw no train. "We must be getting close!" Ron exclaimed, happy. Leo leaned in between the two seats and hit Ron's shoulder in joy. Harry looked at them slowly, seeming scared.

"Hold on." He spoke, looking backwards as Leo and Ron did the same. All three of the boys, including Otis and Hedwig, seeing the Hogwarts Express right behind them. They all continued screaming as Leo turned the steering wheel, the car going off the track and underneath an archway, the car doing multiple 360's. Leo saw multiple students in the train's windows looking at them but took his attention off them when he heard a door open. "Harry!" Ron screamed as the boy hung out the car, holding the door handle. "Oh my God!" Leo screamed, scrambling to help him. Ron held his hand out as Harry kept on grabbing it, later on complaining how sweaty it was. "Move!" Leo shouted, swatting Ron's sweaty hand out the way and grabbed Harry's arm, dragging him in to the front seat. Harry closed the door and thanked Leo, the train driving away.

"You are so welcome." Leo sighed, watching one of the windows, Hermione looking right at them. "I think we found the train." Harry told Ron, him nodding, speechless as Leo fell back into his seat, his eyes closing.


Leo jolted awake from the rustling in the car, including Harry and Ron's screaming. "What the hell is it now!?" He screamed as Harry manhandled the gear stick on the car. He looked out the window to see Hogwarts flash before him, Ron screaming like a girl. "Mind that tree!" Harry shouted, Leo looking to see a stubby tree with long branches. They headed straight towards the tree and landed in between the branches. "My wand." Ron spoke in a high pitched voice as Leo looked to see the boy's wand snapped. "Oh boohoo! Rather it'd be your neck, you idiot !?" Leo shouted at him, Harry looking to the boy in the back shocked before the car jolted. They all looked to their left as Ron's voice went higher than before. "What's happening?" He squeaked, not taking his eyes off the tree.

𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now