↳ 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙬𝙣𝙚𝙮

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"She won't let me in." Seamus proved as Leo walked next to Hermione up the stairs. "Maybe you aren't trying hard enough, mate." Leo taunted the boy, Seamus hitting him. "You try it then!" Seamus challenged, Leo smirking. "Fine." He spoke simply, Harry pushing him up in front of the woman as she sang very high pitched. Leo straightened his robes and turned to the boys and Hermione. "Watch and learn," He started, everyone watching as he cleared his throat.

The sound caught the woman's attention as she turned, seeing an audience. "Great, all of you, listen to thi-" "Ahbababa." Leo stopped her as she looked down on the boy, confused. "What?" She asked impatiently. Everyone watched as Leo had nothing to say, looking around. "Did I mention how nice you looked today?" Leo asked, Harry and Hermione laughing. "Really?" Hermione laughed as no-one believed Leo could actually get them all in.

"You didn't?" The woman kind of asked the boy, him shrugging. "I didn't? Well, in that case," Leo started, everyone leaning forward, as did the woman. "Fortuna major." The group of Gryffindors laughed quietly as the woman sulked back. "After this, I'll let you lot in. Anywa-" "Ahbababa." Leo stopped the woman again, her turning to him in anger. "What?!" She shouted, everyone flinching before they started laughing. "Fortuna. Major." Leo repeated over their laughing, the woman screaming internally.

"I told you, aft-" "Ahbababa." Leo stopped her again, her dropping the glass on the ground, smashing it. "Fine! Go in." Leo put his hands up, stopping her from opening the door. "What now?!" She shouted at the boy. "You can show me tomorrow, how about that?" Leo compromised, the woman smiling. "Okay, go in now." She spoke in a nicer tone, Leo nodding as a goodbye. Seamus pushed ahead of Leo as he walked in first, the rest following. "Your a nutter." Dean told the boy as they both walked in together, the door shutting behind them.



"Oh, great, that's a Monkey." Leo laughed from where he was sat leaning on Ron's bed next to Harry, among the others as Seamus started to make Monkey-like screeches. "Why are you moving like a Bird if you're a Monkey?" Leo spoke over their laughs, laughing himself and pushing Seamus away as he 'flew' over to his face. "Bog off!" He exclaimed, Ron laughing and slapping Leo's face. "Oi..." Leo threatened, having to point up slightly.

Everyone applauded as Ron threw one at Neville. "Hey, Neville, try an Elephant." Leo slightly jumped at the thunder, no-one noticing as they watched Neville eat the sweet. The boy sat up as he started to yell like an Elephant, Leo covering his ears as he laughed. "Go on Ron." Seamus chucked another to Ron, Leo's body shaking slightly at how much he was laughing. Leo doubled over laughing when Ron started to roar like a Lion, Harry helping him up as Leo wheezed.

Leo was too red in the face as everyone applauded. "We have a winner!" Seamus declared, Leo shaking his head. "Ahbababa," Leo joked, Dean laughing from where he was sat. "Me and Harry haven't done one yet!" Everyone laughed as Ron pointed at a random one, Harry eating it. "Oh no..." Everyone said at the same time as Leo watched, confused. "Ah!" Leo screamed, everyone laughing at the two as Harry had smoke coming out of his ears and a red face. "Oi, Leo," Seamus called for the boy, him turning to him. "He looks like you!" Seamus joked, Leo glaring at him with a smile. "You really think so? huh?" Leo joked, chasing Seamus around the room.



"Welcome, my children." Leo watched with a smile as a woman with abnormally large hair and eyes sat on an armchair. He leaned forward from where he was sat next to Dean. "In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination." The Professor continued to present her class as Ron and Harry both looked uncomfortable, Leo being fine. "In this room, you shall discover if you possess the sight-" Leo laughed to himself as the Professor almost knocked over a table as she stood up, the boy already liking her a lot.

𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now