↳ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙬𝙡𝙚𝙧

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"Morning everyone!" A stubby woman wearing a brown coat walked through the rusty greenhouse door. "Good morning, Professor Sprout." Replied the class, Leo looking at her shrivelled hat and grey hair. "Welcome to greenhouse three, second years!" She greeted them towards the long table they were stood around. "Today, we're going to repot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" Professor Sprout asked the class, Leo looking at Hermione from his spot opposite Draco. "Yes, Miss Granger." The woman pointed to Hermione as she took a deep breathe, smiling. "Mandrake, or Mandragora, is to return those who have been petrified to their origional state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." She finishes, Professor Sprout smiling. "Excellent! Ten points to Gryffindor!" She awarded, Ron and Harry smiling excitedly as Leo smiled proudly at Hermione, her smiling back at him.

"Now, as our Mandrakes are still babies, their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours which is why I have given you each a pair of earmuffs for protection. Please put them on right away." She ordered, everyone rushing to get the grey or brown ones. Leo snatched the grey ones between him and Draco, leaving the blond to get the bright pink ones. He put them on with a disgusted look and looked at Leo, the boy giving him a huge thumbs up as to say he looked fabulous. Draco smiled lightly as Professor Sprout continued, "Flaps tight down. And watch me closely." She told the group, everyone turning to her. "You grasp your Mandrake firmly." She slightly shook the 'stem' of the Mandrake. "You pull it sharply out of the pot." She started before looking at Leo, "You may want to push down your earmuffs very firmly, Mr Black." She advised, knowing about the boy's multiple head injuries, causing him to pass out easy.

She turned back towards the group and harshly pulled out the Mandrake, Leo looking disgusted at the wrinkled tree-like goblin that cried out loud. He also watched as the whole class shrivelled up in their own discomfort, him only hearing it faintly so it didn't bother him. "Got it. And now, you dunk it down into the other pot." She demonstrated as she ordered the class. "And pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." She put handfuls of soil into the pot as Leo seemed to be the only one listening clearly. Leo jumped and yelped, causing everyone to look at him, also seeing Neville drop to the floor. Leo looked up in urgency towards the Professor, her looking fed up. "Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs!" She spoke, Draco laughing with his goons and the other Slytherins. "No ma'am, he's just fainted." Seamus told her as Leo nodded along. "Yes well." She started as Leo watched her, curious. "Just leave him there." She spoke briefly, Leo's face dropping as him and Seamus made eye contact, concerned for Neville.


"If I hear that cello tape one more time, Ron." Leo warned the ginger, a deadly look in his eyes. Ron believed that the solution for his broken wand was to tape it back together, Leo wasn't particularly fond of the idea as he was eating his lunch. "Say it, I'm doomed." Ron told Harry, completely ignoring Leo as he grumbled, eating again. Hermione patted the boy's back as Harry replied. "You're doomed." He spoke simply, nodding. "Hi Harry!" A high pitched voice cut in as a large flash took over Leo's eyes, him making a noise of discomfort, the boy turning to him. "Hi Leo!" He greeted, the same flash, to which Leo recognised was a camera. He posed quickly before nodding, greeting him. "I'm Colin Creevey. I'm in Gryffindor, too. Nice to meet you." The boy, Colin, spoke towards the two boy's as Leo held out a hand for him to shake. Colin seemed to squeal as he shook Leo's hand, the latter trying not to laugh at his antics.

"Ron. Is that your owl?" Dean questioned as everyone looked towards the window, Errol flying in. He carried a dark red letter, flying past the Weasley twins and Ginny, meaning it was for Ron himself. Leo took a crisp from the crisp bowl, watching as Errol picked up his pace and flew into the bowl, Leo hurting his hand. Everyone laughed as crisps flew everywhere, Ron getting shy. "Bloody birds a menace!" He spoke, Colin taking pictures of the situation. He took the letter as Errol flew away, Leo watched Ron's face pale as he scanned over it. "Look everyone!" Seamus spoke up, everyone looking at him. "Weasley's got himself a howler!" He presented, everyone laughing as Leo looked confused. "Go on Ron. I ignored one from my Gran once. It was horrible." Neville spoke, Leo concerned by the traumatised look on the young boy's face. "Oh come on! They can't be tha-" Leo started.

𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now