↳ 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨

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Leo smiled as he watched the BeauxBatons chant for Fleur, Cedric smiling at his crowd that consisted of the whole Hufflepuff house. Leo's smile brightened when he saw Harry walk through, Dumbledore next to him as the two looked nervous. Leo shrugged, running slightly towards Harry and grabbing his shoulders, startling the boy as he snapped his head towards Leo, the boy surrendering. "Only me!" He exclaimed over the cheering, Harry nodding slowly as Dumbledore patted his shoulder, the two walking towards the maze. Everyone cheered and shouted as Igor and Krum urged them on, Leo and Harry making way for Dumbledore to stand on the podium.

The Headmaster raised his arms, successfully calming the audience as he cleared his throat. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze," Leo scanned the crowd as he met the eyes of McGonagall, the woman smiling warmly at him as his cheeks went red of embarrassment. He looked down as McGonagall giggled, Snape looking at her for a quick moment before shrugging. "Only he knows it's exact position." Dumbledore continued, oblivious as Leo looked back up, McGonnagall putting her thumbs up at the boy as he smiled and nodded, the professor doing the same. "Now, as Mr Diggory..." Leo jumped slightly at the sudden cheering, looking back at Cedric as his dad held his arm up. "...and Mr Potter..."

Everyone cheered again, Leo patting Harry's shoulder as he nodded shyly. "...tied for first position," Leo leant sideways, his eyes on the crowd. "Your welcome." He whispered, Harry jumping. "they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr Krum..." Leo held his hand out towards the Durmstrang students just as they roared with cheer, Amélie laughing as did The Golden Quartet. Leo looked back curiously to see Igor furiously shouting Viktor's last name, the boy not paying any attention to any of them. "...and Miss Delacour." Leo pointed to the BeauxBaton's as they cheered for the girl, Fleur blushing. Leo looked towards Madame Maxine, her smiling at Dumbledore as Gabrielle and Fleur looked at each other, smiling. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!"

Everyone cheered once more at Dumbledore's words, Leo turning around when his name was called. He walked over to Amos and Cedric, the former and Leo shaking hands. "You are a fine representative, I may say." Amos complimented, Leo smiling and nodding. "Thanks, Mr Diggory." He spoke, Amos shaking his head. "No, no. Call me Amos, son." He spoke, Leo nodding slowly as Cedric sighed in embarassment. "Okay..." Leo trailed off, Amos nodding. "Amos." He spoke, Cedric pinching the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut, Leo looking at him. "Oi, Cedric. A word?" Leo harshly motioned his head to the side, Cedric quick to nod and bid goodbye to his father. "Right, apart from that," Leo pointed to Amos as they both looked over, the man waving at them.

"Yeah, sorry." Cedric spoke, looking down at Leo as the boy shook his head quickly. "No, it's fine. A little creepy, but fine." Cedric laughed at the boy, the two smiling. "So, I wanted to know if you wanted like extra help or anything because I've been helping Harry more than you and I kind of feel bad-" Leo stopped when he felt Cedric place a hand on his shoulder, looking up at the older boy. "I'll be fine, Harry needs more help than I do." He spoke, Leo nodding. "Okay, but if you do, don't hesitate to ask." Leo ordered, Cedric nodding with a laugh as Leo saluted, the Hufflepuff doing the same. "Rodger?" Leo spoke, Cedric's salute shaking. "Rodger!" He exclaimed, Leo laughing as he walked past Amos, the two sharing an awkward smile on Leo's part. "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter." Everyone looked back at Dumbledore as he spoke further, Leo finding Harry and standing next to him again.

"If any contestant wishes to withdraw from the task, he or she need only to send up red sparks with their wand." Leo jumped as Moody was suddenly next to the two, the man nodding with a huff. "Contestants, gather round." Leo pushed Harry forward, the boy smiling at him as Leo followed Harry, Moody looking at Leo's back intensely. Leo stood back slightly as he watched the group talk in hushed voices, the boy looking at the crowd as he smiled at Ron and Hermione. He yelped when Moody pulled him back to the entrance of the maze, Amélie and her friends giggling. "Hey..." Leo trailed off as Moody observed the boy, still holding onto him. "Okay." He spoke simply, pulling Moody's rough hand off his shoulder as the man seemed to snap out of whatever daydream he was in. He nodded and looked back to the group of Champions, Leo glaring at his fake eye that glanced at him every so often.

𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now