Book 5: Chapter 9

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"The toad woman, her perfume is just ghastly," Finley played it off, taking a piece of parchment, writing something on it before standing up and allowing the magic shelves to place it to where it should be. "She makes me nauseous."

"I do agree with that, she smelled like a garden of carrion flowers," Astoria cringes.

Finley chuckled, sitting back down on the chair beside Astoria. "She smells like a corpse?" She asked amused at the girl.

"A decaying one," the young girl clarified as she started to write on her parchment again, just in time came in Blaise who came from his arithmancy class, holding his bag and book with one hand, a brown paper bag on the other.

"What's that?" Finley asks him.

"Snacks," he says, placing down the brown paper bag on the table in front of Astoria who already smelled the scent of freshly baked cookies. "Cedric gave them to me, better for us to eat while fresh. He said that the OWLs were going to be murder, especially with that bitch teaching us—"

"Language!" Finley scolded, holding both Astoria's ears blocking her from Blaise's foul language. "We have a child here!"

"I'm hardly a child," Astoria piped in, taking off Finley's hands from her ears and opening the bag of cookies eagerly. "Gingerbread!" She gasped, taking one from the bag munching on it.

"The elves must be practicing their cookie baking this year," Finley thought as she took one cookie for herself. "Where's Theo?"

Blaise shrugged, "He said he was going to the owlry to send a letter," he says as he took a cookie before opening his book to get started in the homework. "He was too engrossed in writing this particular letter, I bet he's sending it to his mum."

"Why? Is there anything wrong?" Finley narrowed her eyes at her best friend.

"He told his mum to go to his grandparents in America, with the dark lord back, who knows what he would do to his family. Using his mother as leverage and all that."

"Aren't you worried for your— our mum?" Finley corrects herself, remembering that she was Blythe Zabini, her adoptive brother was Blaise and her adoptive mother was Missus Zabini.

"Mum could careless about the dark lord, as long as she's a pure blood marrying a pure blood, she's not in harms way," Blaise says, in truth, he was worried out of his wits. The men his mother had been marrying, a good number if them were death eaters. The only good he had told her was to not marry anyone this year and go to Italy while he was in school, skeptical at his suggestion the woman agreed nonetheless and left as soon as the car arrived to bring him to King's Cross.

"My parents aren't too worried about you-know-who being around, it worries me," Astoria joins in, taking nibbles on her half eaten gingerbread cookie. "I feel like they aren't taking this too seriously," she says looking up towards the two older students who gave her a sympathetic look.

"Eat more cookies, it'll make you feel better," Blaise urges the third year, pushing the remaining cookies for her to eat.

"Have you seen Draco anywhere?" Finley asks Blaise, she hasn't seen him since dinner the evening before. Unconsciously looking for him in the room if was ever there, hoping that he was.

"He's doing prefect duties with Pansy," Blaise explained to her.

"Oh," her tone trails, closing her book, an odd feeling stirred in her chest on what she had just heard.

"Why?" Blaise inquires, a tad bit confused at the sudden change of mood. "Is there something you need? I can get it for you."

"No, it's nothing," she tells him, shaking the feeling the best she could.

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