dear thalia & everyone she has ever loved.

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first of all, i'm sorry for leaving. i made a promise that i would never harm myself. yet i broke that. and for that, i am eternally sorry. the thing is, i was completely shattered. for reasons i didn't even know at times. i'm a failure. at life. at being a teenager. at living. i'm a failure at school. and i'm a failed friend. i'm a failure at looking a certain way. at acting a certain way. i hated myself. so much. i was everything hideous on the outside. and everything broken in the inside. i didn't know how to fix myself anymore, and i knew there was another way, but i'm selfish. so i took the easier way out. i gave up. at everything. i gave up on everyone. including myself. i'm tired. i'm so so tired. i'm tired of not having anything to be tired about. i'm tired of being tired. please understand. i'm sorry. i know i'm selfish. i know this wasn't the answer. i'm smarter than this, i know that. but i just couldn't anymore. i cant anymore. i love you all. i love love love you. please stay strong. please carry on. please hold on tight. life is a beautiful thing if you let it be. i'm just too tired to let it be now. to my sisters, my mother & step dad. to every family member. and to my friends and other loved ones. goodbye..

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