time won't heal.

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time keeps moving
& it's not waiting
& it won't slow down
i'm trying to keep pace
i just want to breathe
but time won't let me
i just want to heal
& well, time won't let me
they all say that with time
your wounds will heal
but what happens when i keep giving more time
and it won't heal, still
time isn't going to take my scars away
time will keep my thoughts at bay
time won't stop for anyone
time is selfish
& i guess i'm selfish for wanting time to stop
yet, time won't
it keeps moving
it's not waiting
& it won't slow down
won't let me heal

the days keep coming
weeks are passing
months are happening
& years are sprinting
seconds turn to minutes
& minutes to hours
i was running
& then walking
but now i'm falling
& the years keep sprinting by
i feel stuck
stuck in this fall
as time moves on
it seems impossible to get out
because days keep coming
& life keeps on happening
& i'm falling
while years are sprinting
& all i want to do is heal
so i'm waiting to stop falling
for the days to stop passing
so time will let me heal

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