a star named e...

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when i saw you
across the room
my mouth fell
from the delicacy of
your beauty
when i met you
i smiled instantly
as i saw
the most genuine girl
who's eyelashes were
long and curled
who's lips were the perfect
shape and tone
who's smile radiated
oh what a girl
that i've grown to know
so strong
yet so fragile
so full of love
and care
a girl who always knows
what to say
even when
she feels the same way
a girl who does
what she believes is right
a smart girl, that she is
so intelligent and raw
and her voice
her voice is like a thousand
angels singing
what a voice to have
by such a unique girl
a woman
a beautiful woman
oh how lucky one has come
to pass by such a star
a star named e...

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