Is it me or is it you?

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am i the problem?
i always ask
is something wrong with me?
yes, there is
but am i your problem
or are you mine?

i know i'm a problem
i'm an issue
and more
but you're not so perfect either, are you?
maybe you're perfect in my mind
but my heart tells me different
because my heart feels the pain
the ache
the tears
my heart sends waves of questions to my ears
it makes me question my worth
and i know i shouldn't
but i do
because i want nothing except you
i shouldn't want you though
you're too good for me

but i try
i try really hard with you
is that the problem
am i the problem?
am i an inconvenience for you?
is it you that is bothering me the most?
i'm bothering you physically
you're bothering me mentally
are you the problem?
we're the problem?
this is just chaos

i'm nice
you're nice
i fight
you fight
i love
you hate
you love
i hate
i text
you read

maybe to you i'm a problem
i'm annoying and utterly insufferable
or maybe i'm not even that important at all

All the Stars in My MindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ