it all comes back to love.

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i guess i get it now. and i don't want to. i want be real truth to be hidden. the truth is, is that it all comes back to one thing. love. that's all i want. i want someone to love me entirely & open heartedly. success brings that to me. college brings that to me. a good career brings that to me. getting an "A" brings a little bit of love for myself. acting a certain way brings love. and although love does bring evil, it also brings happiness. & that's what i crave so deeply. i crave the feeling of warmth shield my heart. of security. intensity. of love. happiness. i just want to be someone's everything, because i can't give myself that. i destroy myself & i want someone to help me pick up the pieces. i want someone to give me their heart, so when i give them mine, i'm not bound for heartbreak. glass can only be broken so much, until there's nothing left to break. i want someone to like me enough, care about me, choose me, know me, heal me, break me, build me, & love me. just a little bit of heart. that's what it all comes back to.

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