My Love.

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why is it that i think about you all the time. you're the first person i think about. my love. that's what i call you in my head, but you don't know that. i'm constantly thinking about how in love i am with you. but i won't admit it. i'm young, and how am i supposed to know if i'm in love. i think about you more than i should, yes, but does that make me in love? my love, you make my heart stop beating, yet burst at the call of your name. my mind sets my skin on fire when you cross my thoughts. i'm dancing with you in my head. i'm staring at you with all the love in my eyes. i just can't seem to understand whether the love is in my head, or if it's real. you are 'my love', because i've loved you for the longest time. you are 'my love' because you're the perfect guy. to me, you're perfect. even though you aren't. even though you've left me with scars, i don't see you as a blade. and i ask myself, why i let only you cloud my heart & brain the way you do. i wouldn't let someone have this much control over me. i wouldn't let someone walk on me, the way i let you. i cant understand it. i cant understand you & my feelings for you. but i love you, my love. i love you, i truly do.

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