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there's time within time.
seconds within minutes.
minutes within hours.
hours within days.
days within years.
years within life.
there's time within a smile.
time within a single tear.
there's time in everything.
it's one huge fear.
there's time within this planet.
time within the stars.
there's time within the moon.
there's even time in me & you.
i'm terrified of time.
i'm tired of time.
i tend to wish a lot when it comes to time.
i wish there was more time as a child.
more time with my family.
more time to myself.
more time than time itself.
i wish there was more seconds within a minute
more days than i could count.
time may bring happiness.
but it leaves us with a small amount.
we all only have so much time.
time made the stars above us appear.
we breathe within time
we'll fall to our knees because of time.
i'm scared of time.
i'm also scared of the time when there won't be anymore time.
i'm also waiting for time
the time of happiness, again
the time of love and laughter
the time that brings family
the time where i can be peaceful
the time where i can sleep
the time where i won't wake up again
when will my time be up?
is there an end to time?
when will time's time be up?
time is powerful

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